HomeMy WebLinkAbout523095000005 OESCRIPTlON: PLAT ASSESSORS PLAT - LAKE CUSHMAN WESTSIDE #2 LOT 5 Ex. BLK 4/= ACREAGE ~_. (I;1):lJ ~~olli ro~To'T~ SEC TWP RGE - ----------- DISTRICTS 3(,3 AffiDAVIT YEAR AUD, TITLE HOLDER CONTRACT TO: RD SC PT UD fD HD CD SALES $ -. "t-e ...'I.4.-t- I CITY OF TACOMA Lake Cushman Co. 2 404 H ~ H 1 '1'i1/f3\1 #30475 --+- L!--:,\q 50 177i'" {.ptl Alvin B. Pea rso n et uk ( larior e) ~,4-I~tz: I Lj.<I-~ ;'.vc-s,., 1/411YL , ?t'I"\ -H!...: ,,-"~ I cLR.. .r I I.JO<.J 1-\ .'< L1 L ~7. ---J " JbU - I I , _uul' I U '-1 I , ~ ---- + ------ -+- -t ---- I ------- , , . ACREAGE 'IALUATION I - B Of E YEAR TIDELAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED TOTAL TIDELAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVEO BUILDING TOTAL 77 - ?S'9 () ..2P .-. - q '.,.-. 'l'; " ~', .,.. ., ~-) . .' r( i '. /,.....,.,M .... "..... '/,.1:' EO; /2-400 I I .- . ?'3 ,It) - (Tr. B of SP #223) That pr, of the EI/2 of NE, 9-23-5, daf: Beginning at the Wly margin of United States Forest Service Rd. No. 2337 at Engineers Station 4 + 00 as shown on United States Forest Service Map Street I of 4, titles r/w Plat U.S. Forest Service, Dry Creek Rd. No. 2337 approved Feb. I, 1965; thence Nly along said Wly vargin to the Sly margin of U.S. Forest Service Rd. No. 2357 formerly No. 245; thence generally Ely along said Sly margin to the Eline of said sub; thence N 12007'09" W along said Eline to the Nly r/w margin of said Forest Service Rd N 2357; thence continuing along the Eline of said sub. N 12007'09" W a distance of 110' to Pt, A; thence S 87038'38" W along the Slyl ine of the N 1425' of said sub. as measured at right angles to N I ine of said sec to an intersection with the Nly r/w I ine of United States Forest Service Rd. No, 2357; thence SWly across said Forest Service Rd. to an intersection on the Sly r/w margin with the Sly I ine of the Nly 1504.04' of said sub. as measured at right angles to said section;thence S 87038'38" W along said I ine to the W I ine of said sub.; thence S 13049'31" E along said W line of said sub. a distance of 189.04'; thence N 87038'38" E a distance of 889.97' to Eng. Sta. 4+ 00 and the pt. of Begin. Together with that prt. of the NW of Sec. 10-23-4 W, lying Wly of and upland of the contour line 742' above sea level. Said elevation shal I be determined by refer- ence to the bronze plaque imbedded in the top of Cushman Dam No, I near the Ely said of said dam, which bronze plaque has engraved on it the figures "U.S.G.S. 0-32", and for the purpose of this reference it is understood that said plaque is placed at the ele- vation 741,50' above sea level, and lying Sly of a I ine, beginning at Pt."A" described above, thence N 710 E to an intersection with said upland contour 1 ine, and lying Nly of Nly r/w margin, of United States Forest Service Rd. #2357, Ex. United States Forest . Service Rd. No, 2357 formerly No, 245.