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rTract 1 ~ Yellr File No. \ . <"" I - ~ - . ~KE ft.nnO~~HEAD 118 I..:::! ~'l./" ,S"'/IO,Ci;: /, , DISTRICTS ,II , ),j UF ><>LO . "t.. ~c AiCT TO _ . ,...1.l.L... I ... Rd. Seh. Port I PUD I FPD ! 69 J R McGowan et ux //1, ~<j).:.~J>4~A' 77:'{~;U". (jJL/._I/, I/,.Jv.. .1// ^ ~,J(~ ~I '7?'7 :27;;<t'c;~ 7'1u.. j. h /'_ _--I,) 11;'CI 07~i'f;?l ~li/a)/~a'..ec<?~OON :2&iJ ?J"pJ/Ji.11?-: L.. H $...." '-t:;-,". ~, ~/) 37<;"/&2 Il ".{J -k: I" (l.", -II' ... . ShtJ 3j~j'l() C.;( ~ ~JI. J'? ~ .%;:1 J.lOI'/'?<;' ,{... / (-1:l', V1 ""'----- . j J14 ~,~ i. '/~\ . 1--1, NUMBER OF ACRES Vear i Oyster ! Timber ) unimproved, Improv'l!d I I TOTAL Oyster I Timber 1 +- ~,? j; ! 1 .. I . I 1/.1 7c ~/7 7" 8/ g. lOT BLK. SEC. RGE. LAKg ARROdHZAD DIV #8 TWN, Tract 15 , n~ ,t7 I -,4 , '? 1'< '- H' ':-f- 1 , , ,'- . i . I') I 1 I 1 I i ! , I 1 VALUATIONS SALE PRICE L H ~9,::~7.y8T ,j/.. S'/P2 3 ~ "t>o , ...._ , i 1 1 "'''''~ 1 . 'n'''I'-~_,*:..Q.9~ ~,,:f"~ ..s;f'_ I :tf 777<- (5 I.{ "'~ ,,,) "'" . I Unimproved i, Improved I Improvements i (Buildings) I ,__, ./7/9.? i ~;"ol ..::..' {) 1'1 ~ ? 01',0 ,,;(tJPO B. of E. VALUE /7.:M 3400 /c"",--/"::") ,;zPOO :Looo ';<000 , !~~" ~..y-~