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y- File No. NAIIE of OWNER CONTftACT TO DISTPIICTS ~tI,;l.. IALE PRIC~E1 Rd. ... ~." PUD FPO - I H~~~ ~ ~~' j, -jefJ /'^ ;f;7:<"'J -jf Theodore Richert ~ 2 400 1 L SF r;c/9 d.~~ u. ^ II./J ,u oN,,,), K> ,:d__~ I / .2 /'/':p, ) /.- s i:P 7~ l.:??8" 8'''t ().a...: -~-~~ & 2- - "".iJo .3 ~".9S;-j A"l.IJ.-f. ~~ , ~ I i-/ol/ / '7 L 1-#'~'7 1,,"0 . 'l, ~.. rl .PI H E.z. - - - - - - ~. - - - ~---'.. ,.."..... -~--- -"'-- NUMBER OF ACRES V ALUA TIONS . y.., "'..... TI....ber U"frnprond lraprovtcl TOTAL Or.... T'...ber Unhllpr'OYllcI h"pro_ Improv.menlt B.ofE. (l!Iulldlngl) VALUE !)l/ dO-f 3.oL/ /S~o /5";( (] ..5Z, ?Ljj' '3t; 30"1 J3-5b / ffCJO :Y-$/CY ..2k _,I $. 1 3 &',ClC .3(1 <<0 1 /3t/u .>770 ,;;>::? /0 ..-7"\L:? ,tJ, "- ! ~,'O; ,~ /'-?t1 /09d ~""7/.. A H 3.:(5 ~J"10 JI) 9tJ 3 tJ?5' 1a i5"~ 6s-0 ll.3UO ::upo ./~o 2L ^',~ ()~ ,~.d() 3N. tJlJ - - ,'~,~~ /~9i :l:9/~ 1L t\_. 8~:~E ~ JI!,5iltJ t. ;,,,,., 14 1/ i' . ~ ... 3.if5Q 9"""0 /c~"o J, d. /If{ - I I. I..~/' a 0:: (.t.' r ~NY'tJ .2RJ't> J<<'s'o ~tt1 '.... (;;-1--1 , ~ ,b,v- ~.....' 7l1-6A.At 161 50S --~- . J301<111 .3 0 3~.;..,- . ~ r, I 1~ ,I -f I~' ,t.. "u , or U " '- ' 55"105' ,", 31-:::- _' '170 Vi ';r~.cf /." .:Ideo b ~ ,)00 O? '_-1'00 '7:/ ,11,,2,% .J{,,') 3 ?'I, to .i t.f 50,;;,;)5 r'..-,:J()!JtJ 113;;,.::i.5 LOT BEe. BLK. TWN. RGE. CL . .'\J t;i..~ _ Uf~;::~~ SPACE 4-, ,:-;?'GH~~LT~REWJ lIW NW, SW NW, NW SW & SW SW each of s~I~'~r~~ 36 have acres .~>i:a , i-I. " ti-l:~3li_~, Al.:.z...,d_7-'11 . ~-"';"'" ........ '. 'c' -<,-' ~ . -L Y.,u:! Oyster 1~ /In.. ,,,", -- 't;;l. ,~ ~) (c/ \.(/ F5 i.2.. -- ---' -f-, u NUMBER OF ACRES TImber 1 Unimproved Improved -:'-',1 OCi l' , ~ _ .-,r, TOTAL 30<1.0/1 1"''/,," t/ {'ir. ',." ~ /il ...J ,---- I, ----~, --------- ------ , -r- /t...z. ;!.,::, i":, ..~ ~ , --,-- ---f-----i-' Oyder Timb.r /')',t, /'-/ ,~ !( /)II-.,/., {ill VJ/" ' r '-----f--- VALUATIONS I I . 7';<.3t; Unlmproyed I Improved Improv.ments (BuildlnQ~l .. of E. VALUE 1:..>,.1'):");:) ,;;; 1:)000 I()? 9,:)0 IS.;(,-?C!.., f-/;L, 'tOU. t. "30D l~ i/;;bOE _':> I ~ L/~' ...; //C r': /s~o(,(. ... -:::(i:;,~ ~/-!:'CJOO <J/':f/r' ? ':i,~~~ l/o,3/S --,~"~, L""'SO 1.,0,.,:>",,)'\ :lJ>9.?S 5..:l.;>SO 9/1'55 ~ I I 1.__ -==1 --, [-