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NAME or OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ,.<.;27' SALE PRICE' Y... Flle No. Rd. ~ Po" PUD FPD It ':-", 4()l, ~: 62 Simpson Timber Co. (.7 2 l ~ A ~ J/l!a ss? '-Uli)/)JFJED pf .L ~iJtI. ..3.... ..L J:L F;:. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I-- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -- ,~-- - - - - - - - - - - - -I . . NUMBER OF ACRES t VALUATIONS /7/. jLs V..r Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oy,hr Timber UnlmprovMl Improved Improv.mentl B. of E. (Bulldlnga) VALUE ~ 13//'1' t,.:d.7..J. ' ' ~dC) It)4J .-" --'- ~ /),70 /:7.-70.. -- 7.A 51:775 5e75 7'1 REFOR ~ST /~"'~ ~LJ;a- L4/$"~ - - k ..... '~:"I.f.h '6~'I7';- ~lfq I:./' I~/S i- -- .i I - - , , " It CLASSIFIED LOT BLK. IEC. TWN. ROE. ,')', CL4SSIfIED, ., ~ , .-... Illi ill ......"""'-'''-- ..0.0....- -'-"" . -...- - '..~- '..... ~:. .~~ ," .'" Classified 1~ - NE Lot 1 - 39.07 acres Lot 2 - 38.73 acres Classified 1~7 - NW -- Lot 3 - 38.39 acres Lot ~ - 37.96 acres Lot 5 - 39.71 acres Classified 1944 - st Section Lot 6 - 39.51 acres Lot 7 - ~0.86 acres Lot 8 - 40.49 acres