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y.., FII. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ,:> /,1. IALE PRICfl Rd. ... ..,\ PUO[FPD -21. 110'264 ~rvie G. Brown Olson 2 2 1 LeU " '7'>.-"7 / //' P f'~, $---&~ 1~t1 d 1/.1/.1,; ) LI' P fir: 17" /' / b.. ~.. fa . '1 ~;;/S6'.;:s- ~~i ., ^"', ~c306''<"," LJ '7-Lf/(tJ: ,0 /4 il ~! I t-fnl-l / 9 l- f{ 1.7 f?-? /\ 6' J~ J;ll:7 ) R'M/,. /.cJ.~ if::- % ,~ - 166~ tJI ~/ ';;l /,,' ./:, , ) - . c> /"-'i /..7 'f/;z:;, ;~ #~~ /-O;!!tf! ;/ t- r // - 'lh/ ;/,) ., ~~. ,fi' / ~ 7'0__ I ~;'5 ~,;L '/A no", l/iL gl;fJ.'1 " .-I-.J: ..:/ , :f / H-..'J',;.3 67' ~ - 0:5"0--. .. '3/7g JPJ.&7J ~j{/~YA(, ,hu I ft , JJ "''' f...J b - I-- - - -- -!fP3- 'U1.610 C. j tkuUIJ! J /}. - - A:i tJ 1,'/7 ,1/1 J1.lI7e 17 -r ~ ~3'fb6C:. ~~; ~ """, CJtJo '13(" 13(, IK~ II >>l~.ktM!r...elt<yif~ ') - ;,'-1.- ",' w*" ., -.z:r ~---.-' . ~.=-~~ NUMBER OF ACRES , V ALUA TIONS Y... O)'.t., Tl",~r Unimproved Improyed TOTAL OJ.UP Tlmbtr UniMProved h"proved Impronmlnu 8. of E. (Buildings) VALUE ,S<.; ..y;.2s' '7f2,S- 5V Y?o /,4/0 "", ,-1.] ~/.:!i-- /00 L- /}..,. 9/) -So '/.,/ -J /c')L/<.7 {2iL -- (.;/ ( ~ 3d!; /?,,c') 1t#-.;25 5c? 21 19L~ /A/ /i ...:7. (q,/ 3':<'? j,oo th':< 5' 50 :70 / P<.R'o /3,5'0 SA - ~ 60 ~t1 1;~t7K LZ2S.. - 2t2 J;~ /.:2 tJ /AO 3-'6t!1 ~,j~tJ 2L 'I~ I Jt.. ~,,:f' -- ,~L9,- ..;7~2 b t.~.:J.O Z2 ~,{JI .;? _1M ~. ~(:J/O ..:':I~ ~ ~ lit? d/'I'J'I'f') -- ~~,/(J Ih,:Y ,4(}';1' 3/lr ?/3S" ~ /,5;" ~ 0 r~ /S".J. 0 '4d,:} I) 1.31/~ ?1.3S ~ /~:2 () c:: 15'.;2 0 :& J'.5() I> 3//0' /HJ/ZJ 76 !JEbO J; .s-oo /loi - - g- Sac) .3 (r,1 -4 (1,'['" eLK. f' I/Vl SEC. TWN. RaE. ( I ) ,",.. ,,' t'; - ""I".'" ". 1 r,~' -. .~ r--r ..c r " "-oJ._ .,.~" ~. -~~~ -, I r {. ",t,c-, I!;","'- ,~ . ,:,..,-~, ~ '- ~ 9J; .e.<> cd ' ff fi0-' c: 1f~~ (;f.4~ ~ c~~~~ _----- -"J ",--,.,-,-.. ",,~,::.'..ttl...i ~ I . ITITIIIIJ . NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved ImprOo'ements B. of E. (BuildIngs) VALUE K5 "tJ..-,r_~;.<.4 '.e.. J.nrJ .:J nl .J3 -: 0" <:7nl> .2 9:J nn ") ,0' V4 J 0 I "" ~ I U J -0 c ( c - ~f ~-I--j :.-. </d-.I t,..,~.:>. If 111 'r)// -- , I I 1+LJ-tt1-I-1 --'--'-- "~=-. VALU~IONS l .' NUMBER OF ACRES =J ~ " Yur Oyster Timb.r I Unimproved Improud TOTAL Oyster limblr Unlmproyed Impro....d Impro....m.ntl II. of E. (BlIiJdinljlsl VALUE '-1- /J,y-., iA. (lJ" or 35'00 -c- 3..s-~ 1/ " ,-- -- X g?,oo .:? // () 1/'- / t) 1K ;D<N A J [J:: .3.5 00 -0-' 3.5 00 :li_ s"1-:; .J -2 J 1/ b 11'1 .' ' 'lJ , G '3-S"cJO -:;~QO ---- itL ~,- ----- g 5tl () 3//0 //6/0 " 70 I - 35:OJ -e- 3~oo , .il ;;} :=200"" 1 II, 0 ';)''//(.,0 7--:-~-- <> .tJ. _101 1 tJ c ,<1 .~ , -e--- e G- -- --~- S2 ;;';;/), . Go/G) c)8/100 , ('Ir ,[) 79-. '73-- .J--L ---- ----- - ~ ---- _._----- --- '- ~d (0 0 (p IbO .')\,/(>0 .....'.' "~,, /3 J,OI I c ('" ~. () I .-~-f-..- . 11. 1~M'O I.. I iA 0 '::'lYlbO - ,WI ,.., &-- ~~ - . ..