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-- y", FII. No. I If' I ~/J N~ME of OWNER , / I u,&) {I(!/~ d L/I,,,-'?f,'- ~ Stuart B l'lutt ~ 2;?():2//J ';>.3 .y~d ?l(V tk::../A./ hr; AA // 7.p .-;r-:) !~, .-I. _ t. hf ~?>7~J~~" ,L", 'Ad / v0 (I, L... J .---." IT' J 1) ';; '" CONTRACT TO DISTAI~TS /..3. ? Rd. Soh. Port PUD I FPD SALE PRICE . -3-~...s..~.L-il...SFf '1 / d~ 4.4.~ ------ ,- ~:?S O. ~/,pc> , N J/ .- ?(LMk.2-s3...1J..Lli. ~_ ;>./I?3:z.... / -- ------ ------1 ..--.. 'O!!!.~i.'~~~ ~ .,. ____C( .- cl 1Iii':b: - -- NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS ~..h:L_ Year Oydu Timber "~~1 .-.- TOTAL Oylttr Tlmbu UnImproved Improved I Improvements B. of E. (BuildIngs) VALUE .5-zJ /6-1- gD 2'DD ;2. Y () -5-5 ,f/J /. /J<.Lo //,",0 Jt, /~/J(.. /,7<') /.:J: d 7rJ ,3-61 /c),,/d //,(' 0 61) . ///J /~CJO I/~ ,10 //,/, /..L}; ,(v _:.6)2. /dfLtJ !si I<j. 0 0 100 /f>-'O 0 110 b() /6;<.5 /&,f6 "- //0 .!T6 /'1110 ~~{"I'J "- c: ~ ~ /~ ~<P DU7S d:l57,:, 14, /~,,,' /"'''.1-; , ';(7' c" ) .10.. /1:. d~ h-L J.:U( g ~;7.. ~/() /~O 5?.-ItO 9) '? t:) 1!1- /~i1:;f - ~ 9';/u /J f-.:J/J /1):10", . IL lOt. -:-') ,;? :; .;/,,,' ? Lf I ";e:; <--,.... i to ) Iv .:;! I-e,' //, ,; =s /tJs? " :.'1 .', '3+l7{) .Jl c?1I/.,rt) 7',(~~ 16rr.,./? , I'D- /~ -._, .- S'.... 1#,)7 ,q, I 15C).0 0 'I</;;O( 5'lioo ,,'b, 4tf It, '12- /, ( ( It' / ,: \ 15;-:<:)0 ~/'/::'),')oI51'//JCJ I lOT BLK. SEC. TWN. AGE. ,~~MD1~ .,,~ ',' '" ,., C" ~,,_ ""Lo *, ~., lo\;';""-~'~,~ -~, ',-' -"'-(;"-L.Y,~~~.,~'t'''' f(...~ ,'f_. ;J' l'!-~~t,',~ ., II ',' ,;F )'" !+ . .... -- .',.;r"'.!!'", -.,."....,....,""':-0. .~ A.F.#378846 Quit Claim Deed ADD: The S 50' of the E 300' of that ptn of NE WI Y ri ght.-of-way line of the county road known Excise #69005 NE, 36-20-4 W,W.M.; lying Wly of the as Cloqual lum Road. " ,,.;;..~ '-----~.,>u,,'-..__...;;;,,;~ Except: The N 50' of the W 400' of the SE NE, 36-20-4 W,W.M.