HomeMy WebLinkAbout420352490010 ~r-~'- r------.---~AME of OWNER . I CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 1.31( SA.lE PllCE Rd. I~'!Z!L PUD j HD I I -;1 I 1/48977 - \/76 3184Q.L. _Ra~do I ph M. & Ma rqot Brand I )09 S L1 H i $5175 ') 7ff -"--I ,- ~- ---. .) t" L:50C, 5 31~ ~ H _ , \ \ --, --, -. u_ -~ ---- , -- -- -- ---, ------ -,- --._- -------- --- C-'- _n'_ -.------ --- --- -,- - , - I . -. , Timber j Unimproved Improved rOTAL I I 1_ 0,.." VALUATIONS ~ Year I Oyster NUMBER OF ACRES limber Unimproved Improved Improv.m.nh (Buildin~'l .j'.,- - 1L'(Ji., B. of E. VAlUE 76__, 11 1i. 1L...tc- .1"/,- t,9~ .__;J, q C 1..91.) I~ S'i71J /u:-- <,elf' ;;dc 45'/0 /0750 I. ;;l4n I,? h' /7"0;;<'0 , ..; - II II I" , ' " , " ~ . r__'!..~=-, . /, - ~ -. . ( - J - ,.. ~, , - ~ U'.I 17'/::;() /7~(1(. 3<; 'ire /'I_'i_~~- G I-I -J.:) =;cJ 9.5fJ CL " 11.. y-l -I- ---- 1--' -;--~ -.-- -------~ --.- +----.. -~------ ---. - LOT BLK. SEC. TW~. OSE. '.'1'1 ~O 4 , i ;~' '-7f"il2TO-'~ ~.I~ '~Ol. f -. T~t-"b~l't. oi.~~/""e. S\:I 9f.Cre~ , "!.'t ~/-:q;? .. " AI I that ptn of the fol lowing described tr of land which I ies Sly of the Sly rlw of county road known as Deegan Road: The E 1/2 E 1/2 SW NW and al I that ptn of the SE NW in 35-20-4W.W.M., which lies Sand Waf a I ine described as foi lows:. Beginning at the SW corner of the NE NW; th E, alg the N I ine of the SE NW 2.30 ch to the E side of Coffee Creek; th S 160 E 1.80 ch; th S 60 30' E 3.44 ch to a stake from which a cedar stump 50 in. in diameter bears N 100 E 57 I inks; th fol lowing sd Coffee Creek in a SEly direction to within 100' of the old rlw of Shelton Southwestern Rai Iway, as located on March 23, 1903; th in a SEly direction, keeping 100' from sd rlw to th intersection of the S I ine of sd SE NW; EXCEPTING from al I of the foregoing described lands publ ic road rlw as now establ ished, constructed and in use over and across said lands, and EXCEPT the SW SW NW thereof; EXCEPT the fol lowing described tract: Beginning at a point N 890 45' 53" W 69.66' from the SE corner of the NW 1/4 of Section 35; th N 890 45' 53" W alg the S I ine of sd NW 1/4 1583.90' + - to the SW corner of the E 1/2 E 1/2 SW NW; th N 020 12' 31" W alg the W i ine of the sd E 1/2 E 1/2 SW NW 774.15' + - to the Sly rlw I ine of sd Deegan Road; th N 610 28' 39" E alg sd Sly rlw I ine of Co. rd (Deegan Road) 140'; th S 670 42' 58" E 222.25'; th S 07" 15' 23" E 187.97'; th S 890 45' 53" E parallel with the sd S line of the NW 1/4 876.66' + - to the center of Coffee Creek; th fol lowing sd Coffee Creek in a SEly direction to within 100' of the old rlw of Shelton Southwestern Railway as located on March 23, 1903; th in a SEly direction keeping 100' from sd rlw to the intersection of the sd S I ine of the NW 1/4 and POB. j;u 7- 0 6 S/tH:f. PA-L 397 '--.~ '.~'-