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\ Year File HC!. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS /:0 SALE PRICE Rd. k". lpon PUD fPO L:::..I 2/74 286793 Dorm H. Marsh et UX 1 3D' S 3 ');.~ ' #38551 !k b'T[' 1f3if- IrJL~" d (.I). .7. F. ,r-/ t~ 7& I 0<; .oS .3 f(. L I-t- '------ oJ-.;.f;;?,) '/7 J:'h'-i ~lWJ.stJ /. f?". J ?; td._-,- .--J '" "'''''$'/,/ or" ~ _1;J'l(iP ;p /1, L ;1. iIH&AJ.J ~ / ( Ijj!L 4--.,!?--/75' d_/!;{/..~~, Er /II :~;'<'>'lZ WW/) \ ~ fj.,U ifl - .---.- ---.,-.-- . . - . . " I I ._-'~ o NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS J {, Y..r Oyster TImb., Unlmproyed Improved TOTAL I Oytt., 11mb.r Unimproved ImprovlId Impro....m.nts iI. of E. (Bulldln.;s) VALUE t~ ~.53 'S.3 d5 .!${!(' 3Sl:P 14 l4,~ ~ (#SO .1L 1/:;;;'; /' - - - . , 31 t., ':' '3 t.f:3 J? ~. , % .3~(,J -'I ( /. - . - '.,) ,- -' '. - ) LOT SEC. Ill(. TWN. RGE- . . '"1 4 ~~ 'lJ.jD~ Tract 1 .0,1'.EIt .8lL.._'~_._h_..'" _...'.. _ _ _ . . . .. _. _. I j' "/(7;)- 0'< .. _____.. _ _ __.....-'.f._:...~. ,__.. _d ! f1I1P'~ E?..5F "'5<"F (7,e.: ~ The W 825' of that portion of the Et sEt lying Sly of the center line of Coffee Creek EXCEPT the W 600'. ,--,~.. .=. :-.... ....._~- - -- -~-- ---- -L-:..:..:...::..;::.. . ~T/JL : P' --? / 4~N V~_"w i\, .9 'J~r7 .4 /--/lNL /cr.?j' v: /-j//v,E, .:56/_