HomeMy WebLinkAbout420253460010 Fn. .... NAME" OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS /30 SALE PRICE You PUOIFPD Rd. Ioh. Port - - - - .....B 1815'14 Eugene E. TaYlor 1 J..Q5 s "\ L S p .....B 1974-V " " Ta1mo. Inc. - - - - M /;77'53;; 'l ;//;. L ..iL /J oY~~ f'A 7. .L M 5 l iL .J... II 1./ \ , - - - - - - I- - - I- - - - - - - -- - - - -- - l- . - - - - - -. - - - - - - '00 -- - - - - -I ... '0 - . - -, 0_ - NUMBER OF ACRES r- VALUATIONS V.et Oy.tIIt Timber Unlmprond Improved TOTAL Oylt.r Tlmb.r Unimproved ImprovflJ ImprovementJ .,of E. r (Bulldln(JI) VALUE _ M !. L/{' ,f. i/ c, *- ..Jf: 0. _. ~. -- I.I/ (p ,f, ,/r;, !O Ii' OJ 1 - . /' I .- , I " Iv;. , , - . I .- - I--~ - I .. - - - i' - . I \ . I I LOT IEC. BLK. TWN. RGE. >~ ~o 4- ..1.:;t:act ~;;t-s- ~' Lf Ct;. 6. O. / [) 1 1..Q.f. s~w --_.. .... ,/1; 7."'''_ ,/" < ,..'.:.:-,:'..;j .~ Beginning at the intersection of the S line of section 25 with the Wly line of 62.5' wide easement conveyed to United States of America, said poi point of intersection being S 8~05' W 2799.6' from SE corner of said section; running thence N ~olO' W along Wly line of easement 1~47.9'. thence S 88005' W 272.9'; thence S 4010' E 1<47.9' ; thence N 88005,'E 272. 9' to 1. P. ........ Also, Beginn. at the SE corner of said SE SW; thence along the S I ine of said sub. 89007' 12" W /87.49' to a pt. on the rrost WI Y r/w line of BPA esmt.; thence cant I nu I ng along said S line S 89007' 12" W 272.90'; thence N 03009'27" W parallel to said Wly rlw line 1347.90' to the NW corner of tr. owned by Northwest Pipeline Corp.; said NW corner also being the pob; thence continuing N 03009'27" W 34.85' to a pt. on the N I ine of said SE SW; thence along said N line S 89043' 16" E 273.18' to a pt. on said BPA Wly rlw I ine; thence along said Wly line S 03009'27" E 29.32' to the NE corner of said Northwest Pipeline Corp. property; thence along the N line of said Northwest Pipel ine Corp. property S 89007' 12" W 272.90' to the pob. .-...... ... . Year File No. fl.. ~ NAME of OWNER I CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 1.'10 SALE PRICS Rd. Soh. Port PUO FPO 1 ;) It ;A .dJ//5-f.t' - - I -2l Harry w. Deegan 1 IJQS s l /3 L SF ~ ;",-'lln.5 '. " " tYJ. ' . II. I ". I) ), )k .~-f, Ie., I f7.5 ",17 4-. ,~ J ; -i / I'. (&". j!J 1,..- ~ ~cr~,"Z-. - - 67 /%/.)/';/ ~!'J~' , !?:" 7:;1 /AA ../ tf v.7 of. /"'1<'.1'<:.- - - f-- - ....03- ..,.~/, I-?:;; /1 --><, ,.,. .:zOI.?.t;; 1// ) - - - I-- - ~ 177611 7/7. -- I; L.}~ " I; -t:f)c:!3') /''1 / - . 12"'..17.s:p --- ~..c/ . /6Jo-"'~A",....-' " " ft b/J2.53r::: Jr.;:;"J:'1.t -/Aj~ ""- - - - - -- 7c? 1J')lUA7 ". 02 ./o~." 01c.?,5cf .?- OJ",c 5'37 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I ---_.~~---------- -------------------_:.._--~----------~..:......_-~~--- . " .- NUMBER OF ACRES , VALUATIONS .- Veer Oyder Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oy&ter Timber Unimproved Improved Improvemenh B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE ..2L /r/tJ /t {/ f!OD t't () . .:2k / ,",d,,-)C /iPo.Or ,;(~tJO ,::p 00 Sj kbO v() /640 cJ /;;C.dO /2iJcJ / ,},l &Ie:? / ft / bD. DO ,.J'OO %CJD Itst>. ()e; 14IJ. ()~ 3R?tJ 3~ .kk !l & 'Ipt)~ ~//tI!IA . 14 1~'1~ . I :JD- ~ A .,7- ~~#11 "'U/.., L. :7"l .1L lISt/, 7~ 15~1$ a~.. ~ _ ;B310 ~~~M ~ LN. ~.::5:'~~ 22- ~?9'4l /'?Pb ,;, ,""'I,?\ 1t '4= ,.~i1. - I!:)DD~ ~ i/,l9~ It./9, 75. 1%7~ -.- .JJ2. /1).,7& //,),1h ,.A'.s'3~u I j}:J.'?C . IIrt /oZ t'J<; 1/070',';- . ~2 fiD . /lzfzt'J , , LOT BlK. SEC. . TWN. RGE. 1 ~ .....,.1". J;"... --- --,SB- 1< ,;'--_..,.___.__.-.. _,,__,..... L c..-Z,.r . " ,.,. ':,:',.,,(~"...'.,..,.o-,~(7.. , '+",0-" ,. *EX R/W & TRS --~, _\ "._,,~~... - -- ~ 6< R../tth--iKS /1- -/ f7-' VQcfo'1':;-- ~? , . o? 6.;{ 7';? L/ .fl ;r?AJ " ~""~ . - - -- -&.-~.. --; J I ,. '." . S!./;J d;~~"1 cm:~7~ ~_LJ-s- ~ _.e- u I I ... -, ',--- NUMBER OF ACRES I I VALUATIONS Yea.r Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyd.r limber Unimproved Improved Improvements S. of E. (Building5) VALUE - I J1';:~'," 11- "f /. , : !1 .' !'( 272j,C(J , , ,!;}I.. 1( f 1'1 (1-1 /,. /,-'. .. ~'II, , ,< I' . .' . . ,.., . -- ---- f------ 1---, ._-- 1-- - --- ---- - 1----, -- -- - - I -~