HomeMy WebLinkAbout420247500010 ~~'-I -File No-I----..-..~---NAME of OWNER --- I CONTRACT TO O_~~~I~ -;> _~ Rd. 15ch. ,PO)rt PUe! FPD, I ~~ --I ' _4/83412703 Silnpson Properties Inc. ___~_..'__ 1 ~Y__L:~6L ,H I 'I ' 1_Qj8~..A2Q3.3,8_ ep.tional Foresh'rs, Inc. ___ -----f--!- 1__1_1_ 35000 --, u___, ____u ! _I I ! ! I I_r- --- ~----L I~ i=-~I It I I , -- ,-- I---~ - f---,.. -- ~ . VALUATIONS -. NUMBER OF ACRES SALE PRKf WD ~ Ye..r Qy$tet 1 Timber I Unimproved Improved TOTAL I- I Oyder Timber Unimproved I Improved Improv.mellts I B. of E. (BuiJdln'i1") VALUE .ll:. J1P'O .$," 0 0,(,,0 9~- 95 8S REMO ED b- hO .5'60 /</7.QQ._ )825'00 .;\9720Q K 1/' L' / /- - . - --,-- - ~-- ,--- ---- ,- 1--- I -- 1-------- ----,~ --- ~-- -.--- 1__- .. , -- 1----, ----- 1-' , I - 1---- --- 1----- 1-- --~ ~, -'--- -, --- ---, , -- , ----- ! I - --- I LO' BlK. ~bPM~'1~ tJ:0.(i1 mt: " SEC. TWN. RGE- ?4 20 4 Tract:-- of S 0 7 .. ,..- /('/.. ,-. I - . - -.--. ---- .. ~,_. ---. - ViDP: See Tr 2 Surv 10/27 .~ That part of the SW SW 24-20-4W.W.M., daf: Beginning at the SW oorner of sd SW SW; th S 88020'32"E a1g the S line of sd SW SW 265'; th N P14'45"E 229.14'; th N 43025'20"E 315.61' to TPOB; th N 560 55'49"W 561.27' + - tap on the W line N 1014'45"E 757.09' f= the SW =rner of SW sw; th N 1014'45"E 316.68'; th S 76055'18"E 93.68'; th S 13004'42''W 50'; th S 76055' 18"E 200'; th N 13004'42"E 40'; th S 74037' 52"E 250.20'; th N 130 04'42"E a1g sd rrargin 40' and S 76055'18"E 268.73' to P.C. of a curve to the left having a radius of 1472.47'; th E1y a1g arc of sd =ve 293.83'; th S 24029'30"E 240.78' to the N1y rrargin of = rd knc:Mn as Shelton Valley Rd; th S 64008' 42"W a1g sd rrargin 39.21'; th SWly a1g sd N1y rrargin of Shelton Valley Rd tap which bears S 32041'38"E 274.22' and N 55021'14"E 253.83' from TPOB; th N 32041'38"W 274.22'; th S 55021'14"W 253.82' to TPOB. -e-- . ->- .1" :> ~