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T.., File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS /--="-4 SALE PRICE! Rd. Ie.. Port PUD FPD - ~ lO598C L10vd B. Pharr! s ~_ t 1 ,oc S , L iF> j') '<' - %1 33$/;3/ h.c/l.l L:? Fr4L /.c_ A.. ~~) 7J / 301 S :3 )6 I-. -It. #~~/ ," , (' r- '\ C/"'- .r I- - - - - - coo - - - - - - - - - ~ . ----,~. ' ----.-- .,.-=- NUMBER OF ACRES , VALUATIONS . T.... 01.... Timber Unlmprond haprovlld TOTAL Oymr TlmlMr Unimproved Improved ImprovemenU B.otE. (Bulldlnga:) VALUE / - ..j,'Z, /> :2. GO 25-0 ~/O ,~ J-;f :2- 2.. G- " '2- .>0 J/ D ,IL 2- :2- t:, 0 t 30 (" 7'0 5l.. !/i/) ;,c'o ..::2.0,'; ~=iCJ 6t/ r:..3{) 7,;z0 .:;1 ;,,. 0 j,,, () .;2,C) 0 ~5() thcJ ~3J .:?~~ 0/ ;<" tJ 0 .:iJ t) tJ :zs-o 7~tJ '79cJ " '1tJ () 7f/dJ /It/C 1..1. ! r~ f/? .sALJ 9...,.r "/...,, 2QJ. I~IJ /. fJ& ~,AA I~ II9~ JJ. i rt/~ 1L I. tJ-tJ },nn 7~O ....... ~ 0 711 /: Did) I. IN) .:J .lJtJ '.A_, Vt') 1.0 ~,,/(fJ I/": . ~ I. f) e; /.bl ? tJ (J) -- ~ , ~brJ /. bfJ '" , /~ ~~ &d/P ~ 13 ?~f) ....,..,.... 7;10 ,-.7 .... ~ , ;P/~& .IA~ , , LOT BLK. lEe. TWN. ROE. ~, " ,>~,'I' .__,c' .. -"1'" (,. ~ -, / .;?,,:LQ . - "~~-~'~ ~. , , r_'. - :-,'-' ,,- ~..' Bgn at a pt on N line of S1ft of SEt ,of See 24-20-4; 16'.00 chains \t of the NE corner for IP-. From said,IP run 'if on said N line 4.00 chains. more or less to NW corner of said fOrty; Thn S on W line 5.00 chains; Thn E parallel with said N line. 4.00 chains. more or less to land of Wm. R. Stewart; Thn N along if line of said Stewart land 5.00 chains to IP, containing 2 acres. more or less. Reserving however. unto the Grantors. their heirs or assigns. a strip of land 30 ft. in width along 'if side of said land for road purposes. , -.""., "- .-.-/~,-- /-- ""'~ I-":::~~ '. ~~_...,' .E7,1}j " ': ' ../ r-/C.L!.',L) ////l/ /....A,:;; I . '-: t...C/~ /j, 'Vi "//"'/6/'-(/ -lLI,c.cr,~,t) / ,L' V,( -'_. r.f,/~//,./~/-s L,o?/.5 0 /c/ , . , /.J?/",'J /~'/<- \ ~ , , V_~//YT r~/'/ri//7.:S /N a1/1j1'/;-,:/\/ =:j I ~. ttt:ttttU '. NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved ImPfCMlments B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE 7,; 2,<'10 2,00 11000 30000 t/ I. 015 0 :- - -- L- -\ \ .~ nLJ I-LJ -. roo, I 0'..... NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS Tlmb., Unlmprond Impro....d TOTAL Oyster TImber Unlmpro't.d Improv.d tmro.um.nh .. ot ~ ( ulldlnQI) VALUE 1'''1 /"'^ /,.,0 .3.LJtfJ /IIA" ..;;- /cjIJ/) .z -- J> /..:7 /) I.:JIJ.;vJ ~ - /'141) ~ ISf~f!) 41. , , Vo' -7 /I/OC --e- /1/<' .~) '0 77 .:2!. I'N) .::J j)() ~ \~ 1;~Tj 11'::720 " , ,Ir~' /') 17 p, , ' - /75u ---- / 7...;5-6' ' T '/~ .(""'....' , .' Joe 1:;- 7 >0 1~ p~ --? GJ I? .-:-, -Ef /7.'7' . 7q (;i'.' ? I .( f- ~ k) '-', - , - r- Y (~, ~ , o- N , II.';,) , ';,.., l' i r;,." , >? 7 ':u; /:/1;;:( tJ '??;) I, . , /7.;:;'\ ,\ 1 r" ~~ ( ~. " gc ~I<' ,;z S 5oco S 1,;2 c /37.:20 <61 :?{) CI ~,ou //~c; 3tJc;IM '1-/ ~"'o .- , , --'