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y.., FII. No. Ph"~OWNFJ4_ _,_' CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 13'1 SALE PRICE bi.o77.3 Rd. So.. Port PUD FPD 6,1.5,//1 ' ....2l 13928' Jar;ies A. Cunningham et ill 1 130S S 3 L I I # /"/7 ... . ;t ~: ( . ir",ZL' 7 .' _ '-'" -3c1 - /"r c- ''15Z'i'.57f'- J)(f 'II-o'U/rL-'lJ' . i 7i1 / 8'0'1 S =? /[.., 1L ..:2,L J".r. "I'd " L / ,,('. ' .I' - - I-- -- - - ~ - - '-- - - ~ .,d"'l'- .,. ""1' , ._-- ...;. , ,_. - ---------- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS T.... 01"''' Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Orat., Tlmb.r Unlmprov.d '",proved lmprovem.nb B.oIE. (Bulldlngl) VALUE .57' ~ $- /00 cYb6 -t/to 5-"; 3,(70 3. o() 100 .:;- 'I 0 & '10 .b2 3,tJO 3.trO / ,:J cJ /070 ///,0 M 3.00 3,00 ~O /090 /~o j,~li. ?3IJ 149IJ /,,~~ 4. fb .., ~b /~L.(" ""~ - ~ Jd?-~ ill 'If) ~7t] L.::JPi:J ~~/" /l)2I!J /4.110 L ,,9:2 . '.:1 DS. -~- .G11c- ~ ..z J/-ftJ /if'l1!J -h 1.2 7..7 1f50Q /2, ;:/0 / () o7() 7P ;..;.!'"' .;;.55.-':( ?!J d"':;::C; Xl (tHY I)) /10:-00 ~! f }." (,c''K' 6'1 ..::,.~ , ,,, tj .o)/)O ;,. / ,j:J 1/(:, t?o . /s... ,. , LOT BLI(. lEe. TWN. ":-~ . ':"''';;j.~:~,.....1 ';, ',," ,,;11. ;, ROE. ,I, 1'1.,_ "." '"..-' " ' TQat port10n of above descr1pt1on lying S of Co. Rd. as located 1936 2; acres. $,;:!/%;J,5' ?~)~{/ j/a~ ~ [1~[0 c.vt/'Z<Yt<.-o .......c .... '~'"- i Lv