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Year Fl!. No. NAIIE of OWNER c/' 1?7tf"!?f.. CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 1..3 0 Rd. Soh. Port PUD FPD I &ALE PRICE: -2l l1S641 J. Eber Ano-le ~3nJ..~5 ...zL~F d1J,,~ /J /1. AI, 15 ~ tJ<jD7j. Rr.W lW.JI.1 _ ~ 'J"-M~Q 7f:;.u(-r 13.5 i i <[ R 0->-,,,,,, N,Q _ ' :!iJL $.%6={'1 .611 L 1/ f?-" I 11) C) 1 ',n' c ...;LI--: T. 'FI ~~ M. V'HA. eo ,-- ,: ,/ 7S I 3o'1SI31({;, I IJJ ,.. d'?? " " I-- 1------- I--- -- -- ---~. - .--.;..' NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS VOU Orablr TIN. Ufllmprovecl 'mprone! TOTAL "".... Tlmbtlr Unlmprov~ INProYM Improvemenb B.ofE. (BulldlnQt) VALUE ~ ;<(.,j"i 2~,S~ /30 /30 2hS%' .Jb Scf' ;?c:JcJ ,;? O() .ML ';C.5,f .;! 0_ $ j" /35 1:3.5' 1,1;. ~I ~ 31,S'S or /..:JS- -"- -- 31.s::P 31st.. - /.51P.. 1~ - ~ b~,s'p ~ /17$ /-:j..zs.. ~ "'i'~~ " - - ~(; /<??9/j) A : IE"~ ~,. EljlJ 1.3 l~q5"" ~~.. /~~.1.1i ~ i'...." - ~ ~ C~~;, ,F.:?~Sf !/I..:1IE ~LS2. - / p, ~ /~.t) 7" ~ ;)e; "/",-- d .. - 77 P D.- ,_ (", If'Cd 1/5?i() (/ .:?/ 0 '1y /52.2- /,5;Z2 IoRIO /(l.R// 7''1 II 'fr,3 ;)[,-/15 : . "\;. +'..:',il';";-~,'" '~'" ' ',,;" <~ .. ,:,' :i!iiO:;21..{if r D l) D (')~~ - - . .,~,.~. . -- .c'",(.....,..',">. ~.': j ,. !" """,.' iillI ~ '. LOT IEO. '" .LI<- TWN. RaE. If ~~---- - r~~ :if 1,13; ;,,,,-9 , 7/ 1/_/ -D_<;,' ;<t-- ~ , a "z:A.. /, ' ,) I {;' ~ ~<;:-::..' -- '" "~'~;;c..." ,,~ ...6d~A-. ~) ;) , A3oJ.kc ,--,{. \(: 'oJ I",f) .P _ ~..,</ _ ":>-' ..t-?/ - ~- ~ _\ L ':-e I TOTAL II IS. ;;u. 1- /5, ;> ';'.- I Oyster' VALUATIONS Impr~ved Improvements {BuildinQ'} t-_. -----,----------------- -------- I _h '1_1:-- -------~._~I__- --=--=---- [--------t___~ ----A ---I I l~-:-_ -1 Year J Oyst.r J NUMBER OF ACRES J5; ;;l,;:;' Timber J Unlmpro..,ed I ~} NtJc.' I - -)) I ~ J Unimproved Improved Timber tJ ---. l4 IS-,..2-- Z- - '--~---' ----. I . tJo .: of 'E. VAlUe ~7'100 ;::"',"00 I L I DISTRICTS /," , Ve.r Fila No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO - SALE PRICE Rd. Soh. portl~l~ - - 53 142327: J', E, Angle et we 1 30 S 3 L !sF .,)... i - ---- ~ 30;l..(S5~ ~ 2>7. V~ f...d /.5-77' d - ~ ~ ~ - - -E- /.J #7L / ,g I il N /. .JQ1. :S... .3.... JJ"" .L '-:;0 ,/-0< j", 7- - -- ~ ~ ~ ~ - - - - - - ~ ~ - ~ - - - - - - - - ~ ~ - -- ~ - ~ ~~ - ~ - - ~ ~ ~ - ~ - - ~ ~ I -- - ~ ~ - -I " .',\--: " .. I" ,,~. ~;. " < _c=........ - ~=--=-=-~~------ - -~---~~-======~----=---~---~~ ....... NUMBER OF ACRES V AlUA TlONS . Y.ar Oy,ler Tlmbu Unimproved Improved TOTAL Order Tlmb.r Unlmpro....d Impro....d lmpro...emenb B.ofE. (Building,) VALUE ~ Ivh.. /~ 4?.:l_ ~ ..?o-o , 6-"" 1.3.;U~ 13.;2,3:;- I<?t? /'1'0 ~.i I I~ ,J 16" I.J,,;2;5 '70 IPo 1u2 111. 1m I) /1?, It L; /.Po /9~ It /3. /6,6 /3Jb5 9'3'0 9'f?C J~_~:J- ),., .~::j ref" ~JPO " JNL I.Z2CJ "- ,,~ I'Ir7 '?:15' ~~ - 2rl. t--'7.: ~/t~ ~)IU) ~ ~ ~ ~ - :B. t~ ':tea ~~ Iu& :M iNJ~ ~ -- k /1 ) '/ ?;;,:J ,/( .,,' --- ~ , J . I / /. // < LOT BLK. lEe. TWN. 24 2Q 4 rWcPC&fl,o.: N-r:J f Tl', 4~ of ,HE, SE .${.. .=71, -'//'1 "rJl-c'P'=P,f -f__ I RGE. ;; A tract of +and in NEt of SEt of Sec 24, Twp 20 N, R4 as follows: Bgn at the t sec corne~ on E.line of said Sec 24; Thn N 89034' 15" If 576.67 ft, along N line of said NEt of SEt; Thn S 3.03' W 128.55 ft; Thn N 86056' 30ft W 240 ft; Thn S 3003' 30ft W 270 ft; Thn S 86056' 30ft E 240 ft; Thn S 3003' 30ft W 425 ft; Thn S 86056' 30ft E 620.37 ft, more or less to intersection with E line of said See 24; Thn N 0.04' 30ft E, along E line of Sec 24, 851.16 ft, more or less to the pt of bgn, containing 13.418 acres, more or less -~-'-e ".;\j;:': -". .I .. ---_.,- -,-,-- "'W.