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Y.ar File No. NAME of OWNER DISTRICTS / - .If Rd. lah. ~ PUD FPD _ 1 ROC; S 1 L 71! J '<0'1 <; _~ Jf. L f-l ...-Jfl~_ f" J"ln-f_ I!, () W~;/J:;~_ CONTRACT TO SALE PRICE ---2.l ..51- 1<1:;00 / :!fA !'jJ.bJ5J /03) 8/80 32gB~~1 l'>nna Ihkelton //Y~K}~). 4/...y..&.<:....;Z;; I ";Ih"rn 0+ "V ( y) , . I I'\\'" ..... +~. /!~'7D<f7 ;;Z . pi- S 000-1 \ op" $150000 - '. --I- ---- ---- .". , __o:::;;;-~ , , , .~, _~._ ~J~......:.: ""- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS v... o,.t.r TImNr U"lmprov*, Improved TOTAL Oy.... I Tlmb.r Unlmprov*, Il'AProfttt ImproYItm.ntl B.ofE. (BuildinGs) VALUE ,,,"l,- 10 /'0 /60 /.,5--0 dJ./{) .5</ /S /S 3 '2-0 J~-O /- 5-'1 /5.jO I J-:i/f, 3 '2-0 J!2C 7 '7'6 51 /5. 00 Ie;. 00 3;;<0 ;730 3050 /'0 /0500 /.5''''0 3-Zd 37;75 -i'L3/6 ~ '13~ ,--- ltJ". -tf~ ..syt) '/99" ~~tl) !1IL ?~~ 99ft} _. (J ~ ~(; ;,1/.. ~ ~ ,~. 'NtJ 1!1- 1M:%. /~IJI) ~.e..~ .IL /4"0 /4 . -'c} /.-:;'-/0/ If,'!'o 9/ 1~/1:)'');'; /L;'100Q ,/", I' ' "- , .;.,,[-;'(" {',',? " /9: ,S.,::,;:, ".,-.-j ~ ' i LOT BLK. SEC. TWN. RaE. I __u.'! f" 'z/.u . Tr. 12 ,1 co' . "'L" N1.-~.' ',," ~.. (!:~?". , /-;;'__,,,- ..:, '~1 ,J,. - '-"'.,~ ,. , .~ 'I, Land in SW! NE! SE! ~W!~NE! SW! and NW! SE! Sec ~4-20-4 Be;n at SE cornet. o.f HE of SW af' said Sectian, run Thn (va~. N 220 S) N 10 chains to IP of this description; Thn W to W line of said NZ~ af SW!; Thn N to S bank af creek; Thn fallowin~ said S bank of creek to. intersection af said creek \'lith Ii/W for'County j(d.'lt Brid"l" across said creek Thn fallowing; said R/W aleng Co. Ltd. to a point E: of pt of bgnj Thn W to point af b~n i::xc Tr 13 ~ )(' t<.t.-/:J, 7/84.,:~'iA ClL&D JU.I; u.L-1 q /51 0. '~".,. rig" ~""",,,.V"'-~ , ',' ' ...r............. ' iC......... '. J..-"III1.l.--U .. , "1/11/ .,( \".,- -- - { .', '---~' -~' --------'--- ~ .-.....,--,- 1,1(" .....'...... '*" \ /' .,....:.,....,~. I _.......... J"..... ../-. L w~ <,