HomeMy WebLinkAbout420241400450 Y..r File No. NAME ot OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS / ?if SALE PRICE 1 L.qL. '11.. Rd. Sch. Port PUD FPD I I - 53 152928 William H. Smith et UX, 1 lQ2. S -1. L 156931 I 7f? -- '7 J JJll ..s.... ;L ..J../g" L l:L ^bl\ , \ ~ - ~ - - - f-- I - - - I I ----I ----1 -.~I-~- -I ___~_.~~~"..kM. . " .. .'--(' ..,.~ - . . NUMBER OF ACRES ~ V ALUA nONS Yair Ol.ter Tlmbar Unimproved Improved TOTAL Older Timber UnJmproved Improved Improvements B.otE. (Bulldlngs) VALUE .2!t. .21 .21 10 10 -Sl- .51 .51 30 30 SL .51 . .5/ 30 ~/'15 3/75 5t ,5/ ,-.5/ .5/J :?.4'?'" lq/9'~ .......'" :> M .,7/ .~/ ,-50 39So 7"000 k .57 .S-I 300 395'0 1 (I..;) S-o t t.~ 3'JS"() 4&rtJ ~ 7~ .y"Yt' ~L ~~ So .~ .dJ.Nt) 9H4I /lAP~ ~ ~ . ,;1~,~ I~~ J ""/,;, 2JI- IJ..,m 4~tJ ~i~ I~- J...L //:,--, ) :.f/f.!.[, ) <;q'c:j) f.j' <..-'-' g) ..~/ .,;7/ ./5'CO ,? i.tj {! 0 '1'1'1~o S'1j (?ro' . ?~/)cJ, ,,,,/ '"Ie) -- '...- , LOT BLK. SEC. TWH. RGE. .~ '1'11)" ",. .C" 'b""" ~- ' - -. i, .~~"'t ... .",!~~"~~ """! '(; "'"R";~ \ .. .,. ~ ;..-____,,;.,,-..;J '-c' "1 J ... ;';!~1;~.4 ''//~4rt - it . 'J _;J Z7? E' " ~rc.~.r-'" . ..... """ . Tr. 40 t:' Bgn at ! cor on E line of Sec. 24; Thn N 61039T 24, a dist of 10'; Thn N 88040' W 10' to pt ofbgn N 1039' W 100'; Thn N 88040' W 100';Thn S 1039' E to pt of bgn. Tr. 40 B Bgn at the! cor on E line of Sec. 24, run sec. 24, 10'; thn N 88040' W. 110' to pt. of Thn N. 88040T W 50T;Thn S 1039' E 150';Thn S contain .174 acres, mil Tr. 40 C Bgn at the ~ cor on the E line of Sec. 24; thn N 01039' W along the ~ line of said Sec. 24, A distance of 10'; thn N 88040' Wa distance of 10'; thn N 01039' W a distance of 100' to the pt. of bgn of said tr.; thn N 88040' w. 100'; thn S 01039' E 50';thn S 88040T E 100', mil to the pt. of bgn, contain ing .115 acres mil . """""'JII)~ ""', . , W along E of tr. of 100'; Thn line of said Sec. land described; S 88040T E 100' Thn N 1039' W along E line of bgn of tr.; Thn N 1039' w. 150' 88040' E 50' to pt. of bgn. ...... :---------; .....~-~_."'..-y-,. ,,'.....:.- - -~- -C:---,-'~.__-~ ~,.~,,. . ""--- - - 'f'--_...............;;._~,~_-.:;:'"'-. .,--&...,;;:-