HomeMy WebLinkAbout420241400200 65' '2i";"&\ LeVI l;cAferty et ux ,y?/~ J/;L 1!-$/// !:ja 3~/570 $-f3Nff *' /1/$211- %fJ 4/'18'1t, -r- ,>>, 5 lkN'''<>I9) '% '/%73/ -'T\ t..1 J/,Y. f ,,/;,'rIJ!.<hU 77 300l I DISTRICTS I.' 'i R~. <s~~ P; ~D FPD I L =1 .. _ 7ff _LJ~111 .s 3 lk....J....J::L /71. v~ /./.- -/I-- ' &..;> --- r;t;v;",J'.A ______ /GI.so</ 8/C'9 . ~~_))'I/; . #-. ~$..js.?J--z IIJKiP ',/I. ~~~-~~ ~i1;6;.s;q;i:. _ , d_ 7 /' - ""$,*,..,~ - --;- /J ,5;, 1._ ;';2;7/"~~ jjl..Q. If-- - - ~".8 _#2>_ 7" 0 fj/ _ _/_ mqqO_WD_ .~7"?~- ~?€'i'" Vear AI. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO SALE PRICE ---~- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS .:rea Oytter t.I. 11~ ~ li ~I /4 TImber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Improvements (Buildings) B. of e. VALUE .1~ ,1.3 t1 L~. '7 ~/S- 9SS'" JL?~_. ~7~ /dt) /tI~o_ 411 3()~ ~lJtJ "~A~ -G/OQ ~_ -I:' ./. :--' '7 f, .~.., 7 n,)..:.:....::-~ IOd~-(]; c. -yr.' , '7 , ~ (l .3 t:. /-5-0 7-- " , . '1-"' , -- 10.2.'70 ;;;. ';;'}(",; "-~,:'/<';",j J LOT SEC. BU(. TWH. RGE. ...""... "~ "\,. .I.t I - "~/:L{()()~ "Tract 20--;rl'--" l... i. __, - '. ,.' '''-' ','" ':01....'.-- /r'~ ,~ ," .~ /~, ~: ,(,; , / --'~. Nly 65' of following description: Beeinning at a point on Ely nl''' line of Fermanent By .fl7A which Joint be'1rs S '1 12' 'If 484.4' from 2'.'f corner of Lavid Shelton's' I:. I .C. ; thence N 7 45' E along Ely Rfi1 line of s'1id By. 140' to ~1 corner of a tract of ] anc1 heretofore conveyed to Glen T\. Chase;' Thence i; 86 E ?48.8'; thence iT 6521' E 157.97'; thence S 2545' W 245.1'; thence N 64 If 166'; thence S 40 W 154.2'; thence ~ 7258' W 161.2' to I.P. That ptn of the S 1/2 NE, 2~-20-~ W,W.M., in Mason County, Wa. daf: COMMENCING at the SW of D Shelton's Donation Land Claim #37 which is the SW corner of the NE NE, 2~-20-~ W,W.M. in MasonCo,Wa, sd corner bears N 89036'30" W 1321.05' from the SE corner of the NE NE of sd Section 2~; th S 0303~'25" W 525.83' to a pnt on the Ely r/o/w line of Permanent Hwy #7A; th N 070~5'26" E along sd Ely rlolw line of Permanent Hwy # 7A, 61.45'; th N 070~5'00" E along sd Ely r/o/w line Permanent Hwy #7A, 109.56' to the S line of that certain tr conveyed to Olive Johnson by deed recorded in Vol. 1 of Deeds, pg 381, records of Mason Co. Wa. th N 86000' 00" E along sd S line 336.56'; th N 6~000'00" E along sd S line 1.15' to the N line of that certain tr con v to Glen R.Chase, by deed dated 6/12/~8 & recorded in Vol. 117 of Deeds, pg ~79, records of Mason Co, Wa; th along the Nly & Ely lines of sd tr the following 3 courses, N 65021'00" E 157.97', S 25045'00" W 2~5.30' & N 64000'00" W 120' + - to the ell of Goldsborough Creek; th Sly along sd ell of Goldsborough Creek to a pnt which bears S 8~0~9"33" E from the TPOB; th N 840~9'33" W 230' + - to the TPOB. A.F.#~35781 .. .