HomeMy WebLinkAbout420241300390 Y..r FII. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS I _?~; Rd. Soh. Port PUD FPD I-- --- 1 10<:; 83-__ L 7'ii ..L311Q S '? Ir,..hJi. ,~ I-- SALE PRICE , --2.l 11976c Norman J. ;,.clntosh q/;5~~:~- 7J~/rlJg.. ~or)i , 1//71 et;'%", ",0, ....c' /LX1? ,J !J 1,.. Ju, ~ -I- X>A ) ~ a.Ib'++21 C? n J. .I!1JI..i", 1J. PI'< Nor~an J. Eveleth et ux (Maria It.. 'JI/() (/ '3 z:; -'l#g c) f-- I-- - --I-- l2L1.2. ')701iRO 12179 370681 I L179 371 I 39 12179 371140 12179 371141 L. ) #66343 #44980 a rv W. I nma n e u,,-- ( Lind A.) Gary W. Inman et ux -I-----f-- John L. Larson et ux CJi: Sh ~~ ) #66482 $10000 Norman J. Eveleth et ux 3rm " " " 11 "" ------ --- ---~,------.;~------ -.~=~ NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATiONS v.., Orlbir Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Grlt.r Timber Unimproved hwproved Improvements B.ofE. (Bulldlnl11) VALUE ~ 1,/7 U7 go 07) /36 <''I I. I? 1,/7 XO I/O I 5'0 51 /.17 /17 '1<0 <J '/0 /,;,;;1.0 7:>: /.17 /./7 cf"d // 7.5' /..2'~c5 if. /.17 /./7 ~b 1/76 IE.//o .3~O 1/?5'" ;. 1.1.. ~ "'Z ~:7~ J~I ~_ /J'#~ /J .1B. l!;' ~h P'J?~/J ~-?'" -SIL~ - .23. .5'C ,S"O /.~ 3P.< /.::J~~ ~~t) ~/, -.,,- 23- VJ_ .. ~ 3'.5:" /A'l:7J - /~ ~ ~ 771:) ..:J.5o t') !J:Vt') JI . /,/'} --; I - ~ , . ' ., " -, , 1'1 .s.!:.~ >',~'i J.....' I~J3 :0/-"" .' ~-::::' ~ LL -:;:'f=3~~ 0'LLC "'/3; ~ O=.'? ,f/- " -80 c ~I 95"tJ,'j I'/':"-t--', LOT BLK. lEe. TWN. ... ?Q -.... ------' '/,. k,..__ __ T;r.1ac~,.~3 q - .. Ill'''' l AGE. .-- ,~ -<-.... ... ' -iIII / I / " ' ^ '__ .,T '-, ......... . ~, Ba'n 3t 11 ;:oint on Co. "n. '..hich is .. 2>5.5 ft. S 600 13' '.. 1,.5 ft; S 550 48' .. 69 ft; S 590 30' '.. 373 ft. :md S 600 '" 317 ft. nlong ]/'1 of renn ;ly. Co. l{.d. 'mrl S 1'$0 ',. 145 ft. distant 3.10ng Co. Rd. From S.J corner of D. S.:J. C. sa id corner beino; S" corner of i.u~ N;';: of :J8C 1'4, T'J]) 1'0 I, R4 '.., run n,n s 7P 34' C; 449 ft. to :1./.. of S; elton eJ. '. R:'. Co.; Tl.n S 330 55' 'I 260 ft. lnd S 330 30' \; 1'18 ft. "lone>; 3'3id 3./" to ~oldsborouO'h Creek; T:-n 'llonO" crc'lk 1\ 550 \i 111 ft; N 80 W 255 ft; N 47" 30' ~ 70 ft; Thn ~lonO' road 1\ 280 = 175 ft. to (Contain. 2.98 acr0s) 6xe-p&lt ef ~)C&l.lr- c?c;. 37. 5'7 . ::::...- :::-- - r /7%0 ry~/-0-/1 d3t}. ';";:.b r; 710 ")1 of Tr2:.co 15' W 68 ft. to Co. Rd.; br;n. 22 -{02oL'~, 21';'--a-OO 1,.13 C D. - -....... --- ~~),- -L-L --. -,--- LJ NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS I . Yur I Order I Timbu I Unimproved I Improved I TOTAL I I Oyst.,. Timber I Unimproved Improved I Imp,?,v!menh : 8. of E. , I (8\llld,nQs) i VALUE - - I ~ ,~ I St;ul ft- I l,~ I /, C<> "-,< 1------ -- ~-I ..:.....:./ r,,-:, 1'/ I, (j .-, I, ,) ce' 5!:p,~' I -~~!." ~:'" I 'I - I I I -, I I - ---- ------ --- t--=-' -- - - - --- ---- --- ~, -- H I -- ---- - -~._. - -- -~-- --~- --' -- -~- -- ' 1.--- -- ---" ------ ~F -~ 1. l===l 1___1_ - f-- -- c------ 1----- : i r-- --- --- -- ------ I ----- , I : i I - I