HomeMy WebLinkAbout420241300340 Y.ar File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 13/f SALE PRICE:' , Rd, Soh. Port PUD FPD 53 11698E Arthur John hallon 1 il0C S .l. -- l - --- 7:7 2~f7/~ _JkU1"e ;;( ;(jrhf"--'f) 1i? L L~o <; _S 3 j(, L .f:L .>' :::, $}>~e 67 ,::'?"..."" 9 &_d J ~" ~ A.' -ro. / ~ J'''P,fr-3 IV / cf"..>oo ,,-- .:1: ;l- Li"- V - - - - - - - - - - - - NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS ----'~--------:------~~-,---------,-------------,:-------_.........~:...._...:_~""-.--- ?,fo /0.>0 9/0 Idriro5 1330 ~- /~ D R.stJ 'J9a ~4P /4YO /.:J~tJ "..,-~ ~9~ t.=1yt:J - - .~ - ~#""- 1.4'~ J'J" IA /~ Y..r Older 0' S'/ f ~ LJ 1: ;" U. h ..,. , .iL .iL LOT BLK. &Ell, TWH. 20, Improvemenb (Bulldlngl) Unimproved Tlmb... Improwd TOTAL OJlur Timber Unimproved . Improved 2..2"'- .7,':;''5' cZ':iO 6sv 8'zo 2. :2...- ;).2-5' 230 i "~.:i f.52 9'( .?2C 7'0 1//5' /s:~ //75' /S'r R.$4) ,S';<.. .bOl .,5'";;l, .S~ ~~;t ~Z ~.7. 52 .r; '7 '--.- __q:;-,,., /~7..' -"- B.ofE. VALUE I, .'~. , ItJS1... -,-:J ":~./I ~J .:_:--,."-. f C -", ,p I/oJ: ()b~,!~','; ,...~ t'"t~- , ROE. ..4 Tr1J.ct; ,~lt;.of.NF-". ... _ /.. alL~~_""'" iI!II"'.- .. , . o / J.',: , Bi!n 2t.'J point on Sly H/,;. line of Peninsular it.I(. Co., 15 ft 'Jt ri "lot ano;les to its cent er line, for tf e IP, from xhich a c e,,-,ent nC'nl1I~cnt set on 1\,,,'1 lir,e ,::'-ere it intersects tLe S boundlr-' of tl:e Javirt Shelton's Do~~tion Claim bears S 850 33' 30" E 1235.~1 ft, and S 00 39' 30" W 1323.6 rt. from corner to Secs. '3, 18, 19 3nu 24, TwC' 20 I':, Rs 3 and 4 ',1, ',/1'.; , Tr,n follo',dn~ S'lid ,el, p2ral1el to and 15 ft. distant, me8sured Gt rio:rt '3nn;les, to Hs center line, S 590 513' ',: 167.83 ft. to pt of bE: of tr', e fo 11m'lins described tr3ct cf land; Thn S 590 5[1' '.; 445.0 ft, 310no; :3 line of said '1..(. ,'-I.. to a point; Trn S 380 02' Z 33il.00 ft, more or less, to ;'1:' ,(I.. line of the ::,; elton Soutrl'.lestern it. R.,,:rade 12.5 ft, me'3sured~t rip;ht 3.no;les from t~e ~enter line; Thn N 310 03' S, foUowin,O; said fl.;'! .3nd 12.5 ft. dist3.nt, 445 ft. more or less, to an intersection ~.itl, the hly 3/,., line of Permanent . y. Eo. 7A; Trn N:;:l~', nlona: s~id line, 50 :t;'t., more or less, to a point thereon Which is S 470 47' : of t~e pt of bp;n; Thn N 470 47' W 10? ft., more or less to a pt of bp;n, Containinn; 2.25 ,eres, t",cre or less, ton-eU' er "i th ar:J1lrtenances tt:ereunto belona:in~ Except portion described under Ieed #178'jO. '~:--. "'- * -<? 0~ 31 - 11- -- ------ - '~/- 'I 1=tItITIlJ . _I . NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Impro.oernents B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE ;'1/ 5-,; 5-' 11J?.~o - . ., ..3c;-(~ r;"O , - , - " ,"/ < <' - -- - - - -