HomeMy WebLinkAbout420241300330 Year File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS I,:' If Rd. lett. Port PUD FPO -'-'-- - 1 30C~ll-_ L / 10"1 S Jill" L <-J SALE PRICE ; 53 120$6~ Tony Fonzo -'2L~5"t' 7f<' ~ d "J~ - A' } I'~~;?" }/1L:J t,,'i.'iJi7-h -+..1 il . ~ 7/ J /.\, ~:J70530 {u,,(;,7i'J1/ddLRv, :hl- 'iI/I ~;.:)tJ (I,,~ :/.;:J{(I.'. )I/~ r!"~<. 1j(VJ r8 <'- j;~?;{=o/ / .;?74-l-3 , .-:;'/?: <>if ,(/ n" I';S /";- '," ------- I --~-~-------~----------------------------:---------------------~-------------------~;--~ --1-- ----- -----'-- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Veer o,ster TImber Unimproved Improvlld TOTAL Oys... Timber Unlmprovtd Improved Improvemenb B.ofE. (Bulldlnga) VALUE -fl; .27 ,:27 c:,O &0 cJ hbO S'i ~/ ;;.7 Co 1000 /0 (..0 M ,~7 ,~ 7 GcJ //b's /,;:(;2S k ,;). 7 ,? 7 go 11(Pt) I.;;J,S/'S * ~ -,~ / ,,,J //~ 1~~!5" /~S" , ,- 4- 2.12 Ie: ~ ~ ~ ~~ _. t,I~o S~<f" .bi ~Z ~,~tJt:J N'tJ 11JJ91..t:J fl ~:fl.. ;2.7 ....1.,..5n () 7'/'1 " , QJ /~;:<() 33~lln i ~.-: _'~(I ..d!L I~;I -',7 ItJ-:<.~-c.I - . - 1-'c ,:~ ~') ''''' - , ROE. LOT BlK. lEe. TWN. I' '",,20 4 ~_.........----._--~-- Tract,,~~'of 1'iE.+i;..:- . '-;;~4~~ .I ""'!, Bo:n 'It 3. ')oint on 31" 1/: line of PeninsulA. ,1..;.. Go. b ft.Jt ri""'tlr.~1.es ta its CCl1t~~ :ine, :or tfe ...r of t1,;,s t,'ilct, from "h ich u ceDent ',~:mUT;lent sat on t]'e t',m lir.'l ':!here it intersects the S bound'l!"T of t;~e David Shelton D:C. bears S $50 30' 30" E 1235.7l ft.'lnd S 0039' 30" \11323.6 ft. frOT,. corner to Secs. l3, l8, 19 'lnn. 2/+, Tw;o 20 r:, Rs 3 ~nd 4 ',,; TIm fol10'.dno; said HI',; p'lrallel to and 15 ft. c'istant, me3sured at ric:ht 'lno;les to its center line, S 590 5$' ',; 612.$3 ft. to a fence dividino; the within tract and to one helono;ing to A Linton; Thn alcnc; said division fence S 3$0',02' Z 33::5.00 ft. to ray ,VI, of the Sh,elton South'destern :1..;(. ',rade 12.5 ft. measured at right anclcs frem the center line; Thn N 310 03' E fol1owin~ S'lid R/W and 12.5 ft. distant, 500.25 ft to a 100 curve to right; Thn follo1fino; said curve 12.5 ft.at ri3ht ano;les trerefrom, 13$.46 ft; Thn N 300 16' ~ 40.95 ft. to IP 'lnd pl of bgn, containing ?517 3cres, more or less. Except portion as cescribed uncer deed #1]6988. .---, .