HomeMy WebLinkAbout420241300300 I DISTRICTS 13'1 v.., File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO SALE PRICE! ",; "IRq (..1'7 Rd. Ich, Porl PUD FPD - - '# /9/ i'd -2l 11406C Leo F. Cuinn et llX ('4<".R.) 1 10C S 1 L ,,'Z. !.t_'l-:3 I j 7'l L 30CJ S 'i .lk ..L J::l /lft> ~1'>v;~~ "k!; ~J.A:f)fj~>J J 7fgf 1-<{- 71f'~ '" /?S"4,( 0 '/30?S>J if' ~, X. ft)LUM'" >-- c't'f'1. A!.",...t ~'5WO - - - - >-- - -- - - - - - - - - I- - - - - - - -----' .,- - ----------------------------- .-= " NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS v.., o,lu.r Timber Unlmprond Improv-.1 TOTAL Order Tlmblr Unimproved Ir,uu'o~ Imorov.menu B.ofE. (Bulldlngl) VALUE ~ .- ,IS' /cYC:; /90 ,16 /0 ~ , Is . /s- /0 '-1(.,6 1/70 1-;7) .1..5/ .1..:;;- .00 1"60 ..570 M . IS- ,IS- $0 /nP$ /JS &'1 . IS- . IS- 7<::"') tys- 7.30 -" 110 J.R J,,- .2!iS. - ~ oIiao'. ./3S- 2Ss. .~'P6J !1fL ,Id~ -,OIJ-/- ~7SZ1 "tJ()~ 2L .......-.. ----- , ,~ ~16" '1""0 ~ -- - - /b!SI2. ;;}7};(J tohl .h Jj '7-\3 + ~ ,- ~ iI~.a ~b-D ~ J>1htrJ -fr --"-"'-""'1 - LOT BLK. lEe. TWN. ROE. -- ' ~?-1 ,"-a .. ~'~4 20 4 \",rr..:a....T,J~;1()., ('..o..N YJ,... ?" , ;-- //, -"--:y /: / ~ 8' lying directly S of foJ] owinl; descrirtion and BO'n at ,~ T'oint ":nich 1~ears S 50 w 12'1-.6 :f.'t. '1nd S 300 45' 'c. 841.3 ft. (.,j~. 230 45' 3) :f.'rorl t. he 3'; c orner of David 5'Ielton' s Don,1tio,-, Land Clilir:: in 39C 24, ':'vrp 20 :;, R4 'i, 1'rn I': 330 30' " 3P ft. to tl'e IP cf t1is descriFtion. ?rcrl s~td IP run N 330 30' ~ 27.2 ft; 1'1"'1 N 310 E: 12.8 i't; Tl'n S 780 10' Z 155 ft. to It cf \! :)f Fermanent H,'. i~o. 7; Tn'1 fol1m'linO' sRid R elf ~,: in Silly dir3ction 1+0 ft., more or less, to i1 point S 780 10' ;~ 170 ft., mora ::Jr less, from IP; Trn N 78010' j, 170 ft., r~re or less to IF, containin~ .015 acres, norc or less, :md b9inn; in S..~ of the ::Z;, cf See 24, 1":,p ,,0 I,;, 11.4 ,j, to-:)tr8r "itJo th"t 02rt of the Ii of \, of tre Cld Srelton 0outh\':estern :lai'l,o 3('1 :lD'/! O1!';ed S" the Sr'Jr.tors, ':1i er 1 ies b etl':Cen the i; and S lines ext9nrled of the !,erei'11bove describad real property, 2nd ubuttin~ on s:lid "1rODerty :m tre 'ill;' side. ~. " -- -- --<1:'"'""-' . -. ' I ~ I -. I~I . NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyster Timber Unimproved I m proved TOTAL Oyster iimber Unimproved I m proved Improwments B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE g'f , ~I ,2. / I/J:!., 0 /7300 ::: 7 5'5"0 ",.,- ~H::H--H~ :J 1- -.- - - "-~_'c__' _ _ NUMBER OF ACRES 1 VALUATIONS Vear Oyster TImb.,. Unimproved Impro....d TOTAL Oyst... limber Unimproved Improved ImproVlm.nts 8. of E. (B\llIdimiU) VALUe 7~~ ./S' /6 .:/SD() IA 'dtJl) 1!i'" .~ ~ ~ '1G 7(, ,;2. I ,2/ " - - , 77 ...3Scc /., 9' - Il'lft.!; ~ 77 0 --f.....- ~.. - if, =t..... , " '/1'5:::- jr, r " " " ;:./ ,=:50 - , (- , -0 , I --. ..L ~! I ] I 10 -,.- 17 "y '. - " , , .. , . ,..J /, - : I t.', ( -- ~ re- /- r, ~,-j!' I' (). () - ,....- > )) or; -_4-__u i':J 10;;;50 /73&0 ~. ? <i$C:) -