HomeMy WebLinkAbout420241300290 Ye., File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS /,: If SALE PRICE Rd, Soh. Port PUD FPD - - - - - - 53 ~t-bl Le'..lis Linton et ux 1 1 ':IOC S 1 - i 1. bS 0/".a...->G4 .J ,;f.... ~ -Z;;A , 7~ J 1:<0<J <; ~ II.. I j{ $L :!,?.J /7.3 T.. A" r; -zi 'L.d...-r.; 4S ' ~:.;JDS"3:l.. G.s-O^ II Jfl't ) - - f - - - - - I- - - - - - - - - '-- - I- - - - - . - - - - -I --- -~~~ . - - ---------------~~ ~c_ .. NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS v.., Oylter Tlmbv Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oy,ter . Timber Unimproved Imprond Improvemenb B.ofE. (Building,) VALUE 7, , g6./ / $_1 ,g'u ':<30 3/0 ?.; , ~.> ' y>" I5D --/'2-0 .>00 M .i.5- ,gf) ?c:J Y;>c:J ?So fil ,,fb , J? .;- ,,;{bf) J170 II;), S- L:t. ,'It) .lit) 3~ If?tJ /,oVc1 ~ I~ ~..z ~~.A _ ./M hi' H_ , *- ~ !dZ /.:JS-~ .:t"'~ 3.976 1L ,c ::'" ~ b IJ~{;) .. ;,..~ ~ 22- -- -- - - Z3. /A<L!') ~t.~t. ..3P /a a ~ ~ ~ -.,- ~ ,"f ~N1 5:;;l!ld 7?ptJ -f- - ' ,..- fi~ . 1fJ~ ,,'lID l..;tsotJ .g~,~,?u eLK. '.,.0;.... .-..... '- -, IEC. TWN. ROE. .f7-:'6 /.I'6.;i. 2Q '* " '~ 0' 7' ,~' ,/.:_: / ,- " !jO"n ~t a Doint 'o'lhich bears S 50 E 124.6 ft. rmd S 300 45' 'iJ $41. 3 ft ('{a. 230 45' E) from S.. corner of David Shelton's D.C. l.n Sec 24, Twp 20 H, rt4 'i'i, T'~n E 330 30' E 339.2 ft; Trn N 310 S 236 ft; Thn N $60 E 450 ft; Thn N 650 21' ~ 157.97 ft; Trm S 250 1.5' '.'; 245.3 ft; Thn N 640 '.; 166 ft; Thn S 400 ~ 154.2 ft; Thn S 200 30' W 161.4 ft; Thn S 80 15' W 172 ft; Trn S 370 ',; 82 ft; Thn S 460 30' W 91.2 ft; Thn S 590 30' W 90.7 ft; Thn N 570 W 329.7 ft to pI of bgn Cont8inin~ 5.86 acres, r~re 2r less. Except N 8' & those portions as described unoer deed numbers 21'061, 146592, 212092, 20'082, 120<18, 114060, 194677 A SO and private road. I : A strip of land 25' in \./icth, beine 12'~-' on e~ ch side of center of the :\ailroad tracks of the She] ton S'II Railroad Compe.ny, commer.cing about 100' E of SE corner of ~)'.'l ~'E and extenc'ing from saH' [oint in S'illy ci~ection to that point on Golc~sboroueh Creel, '"here said track _..& ~:.~f'5'S~s-'SGlcT SUeafil ~ex<"E'rt1ne, -nowever; -S"1IC1'l ror"tions-6f salo '...".-- trart :is [.ay be usee:; for Ce>unty ro'-'-C j:urroses) '.,r.ich ]ies l1E'y from the following nescribed 1.P.: Beeinnine at a ruint on the caunty road "hich is W 28.5'; S 60"'P' H 16.5'; S 55048' "~I 69'; S 590'0' 'II '7~' and S 6cf',.J '17' alone the R/l;! af Feninsular ::-;?,ih/E:Y Co. and S 280':! (Var. 2<"'45' E) 145' alone said county road from the SW corner of [avid Shelton's L.LC.;, s~id corner beine the S';l corner of the KE NE; run thence S 710<4' b 429', more or less, to R/"! of SheJ,ton Southv/estern Railroad Co. and thE'nce I: ,,:\055' E along saic1 RI;! 9' to 1.r. EXC'G/'T ~tj r (t{J{!,d""'3Z I ~%.5) :J 1_ -.... K-I-tt-H+I . NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS Ye.aIf Oyster nmber I Unlmpro'f'ed Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Impro....d Impro....m.nh B. of E. - (Buildln91) VALUE 7?- ,.'>4 ,yl/ co?5"oo 5~Jo 77/D 77 3!;O'1, /f (1 ,'{ .:; 16 SJ ~s Q t;'/ ,nL /" ~"":(,'] ~ /~/Jt"J(' ..:~. ~", -;( ~o " ~. , ;. , 102 S () ';'0700 ~,'Oq~ 0 .1 .' " - - - - - - - - - i -