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Year File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TC DISTRICTS I;z. 5 Rd. Sell. Port PUD FPO SALE PRICE' -2l 88114 .d:L /77f, '7.2 ~ -'/'10905 fiobe_'t D. Evans et ux ~/{..J.~/,B. ~/~ CWSlFJm 3 u.' - -.ll.Q2_2.....__ L c~ 7>' .3 :3 (j c; .3 ilo..L J::L Sf I ill 3 1fa..L~ f----- ----f-- ---I-- f----- ____ .____ ______~__ _ __~_________~______________________~______~___:----:. ~___c..~"..____ NUMBER OF ACRES V ALUA TlONS .;:i./. ~ U Year Oystlr Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Improvemllnu B. of E. (Bulldlng1) VALUE c3:' 'Dqo J ?C?O j ---5/oc 7'00 . .t;Jj $2'.NJ 9r!J,M 600 600 ~. <;0,00 %0.00 S7D S70 o,!D a/t!J /;,'1.. c::~ .~ 7~~ ~~/'J - ~ - op/u/J I. J',,~ ~ /.391- ",~,-~ -- :lL /~~ /60 U- llliFOF ~~'l' ~~ ~~ - 1f- "i"W ttJo Q 8't) (J(~ 1.&1..7. J,JU'~ / ~tP~ ~ goo Dele tl\SS/I'1f1) Ei, IJ(I & /'/!l (,/'/0 , RGE. ClA&:S".It:u ClASSIFIED / ,l' ~ ~.j'~ ~ COT BlK. SEC. TWN. a , 20 4 -- N~ BE / -- -. ..,~ ~~ ~ 0/49 ---- - - - -----.: ..