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Vtar File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS /.2'; SALE PRICE' Rd. Beh. Port PUD FPD - - 11'" - ~ /57- R(4&' ;;),:l"h~//(i/h~~7~ /7- ~ .3 30'1 Q... Ff '11'- - <6- 0b ~~?' ~.f /. /1 J (,//1'7 - - ~~.-:: .- , ,- lY /J,ohl-"'b;/, I~a . )l7_o;[d,,/ " ::;-"""", /.f'S/;>' g;J:J.5f)3 IP.And--~. ..7-5p,'HIl, ~JIL' i;l,p, '/I!J1e,-fi..i. ~ - - - ~ - - - !!at .353 013 i'>;?,/ Ai ;S LL",,t' I> II 7' 111ft ---2... 0 ~ lk eL 1L I' . J-.t /, ' "JUoJ? (/t.',d;I,1 ~ '/.- /l~.-- .... I/' 2 *""'/:2..- ~:hNJ' .<. :'dJ.? 7.rO ~ I-- f'><>- x..7/f/ W '?t -.L fm ~ 1k L 1L \{;nti:.. ~"" ) - ~/ 3 9.1/1/;:( :2 ~t)Jk'~:Q " 1/ 7507f/' - - - - - - wLJ '1'J',;J.. '10,;/7/'5 (y:;d.) -#T.5'/YS' ~ . fi'vC. ,n!A '1-. ~J 7i f" - -1- - <1'''-''' 18S" uo..J bl/P I'" .- .- yL':: " n AJ. ~- .r;)9.f.S l. 0 ~- ,.i~/i",v. -fF ."'" ./ d1~".;. - - - - - ~ __c_ ----=.~~_._---~----------._-------------------_._.---------------------------------....-- .:0 ._-' , . NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Yur Oyster Timber Unlmprovtd Improvtd TOTAL Oyller Tlmblr Unimproved Improved Improvements (Buildings) B.ofE. VALUE 51/ .0') ~~ /.1. 1fL J2. ~ 1Jl 1S- ;lIP ";0 -)0 )),t!, /J[) , '-/-0.00 ~rr- lit', NJ 1 7Lo .00 L"I'k-:7 1/4 . 41) I..Ji 7., 0200 .8~tJ -200 .3(')0 ,f'o /LJO 7~tl 701SC b95'tl /496" /';9~ /., DES~GNj: TED J/.h . IJ/) Idll ,Illl tf{) /Jl)1 F~~ , ~ I. . " - J.39t:J - - IS/S -- J./6.~" ~ I? -- J /~r.::J- IC:75 /'/'. ...." 1:'-1,-: I" I II J (~. ? . i':- 1') 30~.,f, ,'0 " b2bO / pit? c) LOT SEC. BLK. TWN. RGE. . 20 20 4 t4 ,j.(j:7-l) 4 If IItD" O~()l SE SE ~A,,~. _-~'1?:S:S:~I'j.,\TI;C /-?...:I.:l-.' I r --<--. . - < ,- ~2.r.. ""( , c;. to. .. ; ., t " .,( ~ , .. '01 ~, _I ~ I . u I '. cP. /0 NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS VIllr Oyster Timber Unimproved I Improved TOTAL I I Oyster Timber Unimproved ImprQ....d I Improvlmuh I B. of E. - , \ (8uild;flQs) VALUE:_ l.L ....~ 1:.. .~;. ~ . ,;...\;8\ t:.4, - ~.-" 1 ' .') () /7</) /-==[2t --.-- ---.- g? I- :~_r ...'.......1 7/'-' . - t '?ti 30.0" ?""'l,oc) 7/~ -/I 5' - '7/0 7/0 ::> - - --- ----- - i==t I - --- -'-- -- -- - -- --~.- -- ---- ---~ -- __ I . 1 I _~_ I ---- -- -- -~--- --- ----- -- -1--- --- ___1==1 }------ --- - -~-'- --- --- -I- - . t= I -- -- _____1 I ! , i Lor Sf'''' SlK. TWN. OSE.