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Y.., .!".NO, C jJ;;lJ ~AMEOIOWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS /~.z. SALE PRICE . 171'72.., ,. I J/. Rd. Sch, Port PUO FPO 57 ~F. 11~04 R.~.Ki11oUP'h Wtt Ux 'lOC l ..L.... !fi[ 7ff -- ~ >2417-,</ ~11-,f1;.j ,e~MJ.-ak~ cf./;:~t JUj 3 309 ..3.. J.k. .L Ji. OG'lI Jod ,I III .L 309 J Jf... L.. j{ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - t-- - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -I ----~---------~---------~------------ -----------~-------------------------~---- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS V..r OJlur Tlmb.r Unlmprov.d ImprovMl TOTAL Oyster Tlmb.r Unimproved Improved Improvements B.ofE. (Buildings) VALUE ~7? ~-;OcJ 5':00 go ./$1.0 5,;< () 60 ,5.00 5.00 2'c.l 0' cJ ,.0) 0' J7:J 01 .5'.. ()-tJ b:cro %0 ?/b 79~ "- .. it! ";7. /IJIJ "'d ':1~ .. 7.0 '" .!J-f d.t.' S. A'A .~ 33S' /54~ ~70 1.1 €'"n 2!1- '" t,7o ~^JZL ~.fb '9/tJLJ 2Z ,j3/~ :2 10'/'-/.0 1.":;(tJ.5 '7' <l1(?; ) .j,' 'j, c~ ,J) t, ,r:',.,~- ~/ 6,00 ~~ocJ /7tJor) ::;-,(j /11"1.) {, 7{lt"" .1':L 5.~.i ~,('JU 1/,"'': ) ~ ("':,:... (,7e,' ; , LOT BlK. SEC. TWN. RGE. l,,~~ 1'D::J.;J,.Qf1~ TR. 1 OF N,. Mi " /J',.:r-/ ". '\ ~9 20 4 Ir I AFFID !! 11404 Beg. at the NW corner; thn. ~. alon~ the N. Ii ne of ~ec. ~60 ft. ~hn. S. parallel with the W. line thereof 330 ft. W. parallel with the N. tine 660 ft. to the ~. line of Sec. Thn. I.alon~ the n. line 330 ft. to the point of beg. " '"" -:.:e ~. .'~-- -~ '--'..--- ...~- -"",.,. Y..r File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS / ,:2 ~7 SALE PRICE' - Rd, Soh, Port PUO FPO l201Gl. - - - - ---2l 10841 S:impson LOfT. CO. -l. J.Q9 l .lL.. Y/f [1\ - -- LJ, _ c/:) . ~ a 7t , ,"fa" .3 .L.. 1L & ~ 1(1 .L ?A q :< JJ.." ...L .J{ - - - - I-- - - - I-- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----. ----...'~--- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS - ,-- Veer Oystu TImber "";;1 ~- TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved ImDrovllmllnh B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE q f( 0,( d ;;0 Yu 14- I /"0 /60 -Zl , ~ t/tJ , .yf) 2f REFOl E~, ~ X't1,()(, I~.t- i~.1l't) ~ ~ - ~' ~ /' - '- , , . , , . it.... , - - ----- " . I - - , LOT see, BLK. TWN, RGE. S\V NVI - 1947 SE i~W - 1952 ~o 20 iii II! .. "'B!P I.;, s! NW -L_ / /iY,..}~ / iJ.