HomeMy WebLinkAbout420174290040 Yeer File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS Rd. 1~1.!2!!....I.!!:!.Q..I..f!.Q....1 I I..' -. I';;"~ 11_ SALE PRICE NUMBER OF ACRES ~ VALUATIONS Vear Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Timber Unimproved Improved Impt"ovements 1 B. of E. (Bulldin9s) VALUE J,J J~~ h~ /~.QJ ~s:v Pt> >>C 1() ~~ - I J/.4. IU) 1'.4d tt, y;tJ .Z3 3,,09 ~I/ J~. 4" ~ /bo " tUa 1~ ["....~ .,,, a :t1Z. ~/:l --:'11') 77 3()'9 /.7. . '11 , " u I '?9'j(J /~ 1-/6,'; I.-?_=? ~ 9..;"" ~J 300 I,;; '1/ j"i". I D () .;{ '7:;;,,(, ~ () !r ('{) 'I 'i R cJ() 8~ 6.['/') '5.",,.., ~, ....,.:::;L- .:7/00 t'l 1500 </100 /..3 t, &>L) . ," LOT BU<. ",' lWN. RGo. \E;1t2tJJ:7~ .... k,...",.!p' ..1<', \..;! ,*,I~l- ., .' ......""'"'iiiiliiiiT' ~ """"".;., -~' III ...;c. ,:',.,:: --j ~ . Beginning at a point on the W line of NW SE, 12.25 chains S of NW Corner of NW SE; thence E 12.25 cgains; thence N to Sly R/W line of Shelton-Dayton Road; thence SEly, along Sly line of said Shelton Dayton Road, to a point thereon N 49007'00" W 255.60' from the intersection of said road with the E line of said NW SE; thence S 8052'00" W 544.10', more or less, to the S line of said NW SE; thence W along said S line to the SW Corner of said NW SE; thence N, along the W line to I.P. QCD's under AF# 416962-63-64 are Ixmndary line adjustrrent as follows: That ptn of a tr of land located in the NW SE 17-20-41'].W.M., lying Sly of t.he Shelton- l1atlock Cb. Rd and Sly & Ely of the following described boundary line: OJrrrrencing at the NW oorner of sd NW SE; th S 0047'38"1'1 alg its IV line 910.79' to ':'POB; th N 88055' 17"E 594.16'; th N 19036'12"E 469' to the Sly rrargin of sd OJ. Rd and terminus of sd boundary line; EXCEPT that ptn of sd SID lying Ely of the Ely line of tr oonveyed to Gail Y. Edmiston by instrurrmet reoorded under AF#244187. ~'1/oW known as Tract 1 of Short Plat '::::"~97: A tr of land in the Nl'l SE 17-20-1"!.W.M., daf: Cbrrrrencing at the NW oorner of sd !WI SE; th S 0047' 38"W alg its W line 910.79'; th N 88055' 17"E 594.16'; th N 19036'12"E 186.20' to TPOB; th oontinuing N 19036'12"E 282.80' to the Sly margin of Shelton-l1atlock OJ. Rd; th S 49031'48"E alg Sly margin of sd OJ. Rd 183.47'; th S 10053'35"W 190.93'; th N 78033'12"'/1 202.40' to TPOB;'IG'V and SJ to an ease for rd and utilities, 20' in width, the ell of which is the Ely line of Tr 1 of Short Plat #1297. ~C~-O 'C~'''h~_~~= -- _..-=-----~~--- _Ic_~. _~ ~- ,---.