HomeMy WebLinkAbout420172200010 DISTRICTS oI'L/ V.1f FII. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO C IRd, SALE PRICE: 10'. Po,' PUD FPD - - - - 53 Simpson Log. Co. ~ '30e; '3 L W fA .-A~) q',,' /.. , (1,. t9 u . . FOREST j.Q 78 7'5 3C 'It '57 e-~ .3 301 3 11.0 L H lll'W )U ~'l ?( I ::111'1 ~ IL L Ji... - - - - - - - - - I- - - - I- 0 --~. ,.'t.. ,!,-"-,., . , - - -----------~~-----------~------ -- ~ NUMBER OF ACRES V ALUA TIONS v,.. Oy.tar Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oy.ter Timber UnImproved ImprovM Improy.menb B. of E. (Building.) VALUE .91 //J, Ly' /0 /0 - il 1.00 ;'0'<:> fo $0 -"- etf /d/J /dt:> , 2Ii 35(; .3s-o 2i 'J.~. :J! -24.L 7IJb 2L. CLA~~;. OA~ /'.D~ I. f) (J 711 70 7(., 7."''' -,..-- / -' ..lL 7~ '15 -, /I~O ,//"," / "---, /'? /,( 0' 4' ~-) 0'. . - ,- &/ ~)-:iJ , '7..:f ~~ k:;- Ie):" , ..:J i?;l. CLUI 'IOU8r 'is- 9.s- .' /,'; () . .-:.' , , 6',/ . "'IS' /9S , /Ct) I I'tJO - LOT BLK. lEG- TWN, RIlL ~,~('2;1OdO~/~ ' '-. Tr ~J.i;J:r~tt-JW."-....:.,:;,,, ,. $f"~_, ... 'I . ~~ti . ~", " . ',~ :." "' <.. ,.::._.J."" , --::-r,.....,--l ,~ -", ~ F ,-- , Egn at a ~oint on the main line on Peninsular Railroad in the Nt! of NWt of See 17, Twp 20 N, R4 W~ said point being a point where line "Lft 3 has been established and being the beginning of said Line 3 as established by L. M. Rice, for what is known as the Draham Brauch of said railroad' run Thn in NWly direction to the ~ec line between Sees 18 and 17, said twp and range, including 12 ft. from the center of said line on theS side thereof and including a tract of land somewhat triangular in shape lying between the said line and the ~in lin9 asinow used and oocupied by said Pen. R.R. Co. in said NWt of Nit Oe ng aoout 1 acre. ~...;~~-_. I_.,t....~-~--...-. ~V ;)C;4~~ ..- ,""~ ._" I ..... LLUlLLl~r . .--J I . NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Impra.<ements B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE 7 . ! lJO /DO - , ---