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-;:;- File No -r-----.-'---- NAME of OWNER I CONTRACT TO J,,; O{) , 10/7 ~16979 l'lnM1d F-B"....i"e P Likes --I-----r--. 1-----. -----. -.--,,---- ,-, -- ----, --- r.+-o..." NUMBER OF ACRES TImber I Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyder ?J 7S' -;fl 'I) 1'-1 2.7:; ";;.7& .. ..., . ., 7 -' c"\ I'='" ~, , c ,;j ,71, ';:;.-)1; --.-i== -,---, --- - lOT SEC. ILK. TWN. DISTRICTS /31.1 Rd. 5<". I!<:lrl PUD I fPO I_I I . 1 109 <; ~ T. R I 1 g I 130'1 S 3 WLl:.. J:L SALE PRICe 47557 I-- VALUATIONS limber lmpro".m.nh (Building,) B. of E. VALUE Unimproved Improved d,d- /(') ~.:;.,/cJ If .2(.0 ..J'I(,!. 5 ~ ~)( ZC; #,::!/., s.;>.slhr s("'~? 0 5'1~tJ 11"/00 1/1550 ~ <I cOli 3 100 /! R S"S- 0 , i aGE. , fl!Pju r: ~ 2!-lls 0 ;(J7frjJ. : Tract 1 of SEt, 1101* r.:5',J- ! )J J,5 20 4 --,-. "' ,........ j. The W 400' of the E 700' of the N 300' of the S 900' of the SEt wi Sec 15-20-4W, W.N. EXCEPTING therefrom road rights-of-way. - ~-~. , a:,~-- ,- You Flle No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS /YO SALE PRICIE' Rd. Ioh. Po,' PUD FPD - - - 53 Simpson Logging Co. 1 30e S 3 L W FE ~)~ 7" - - - - - a. r 30'1 ~ l .Lk. .L lL - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - ,~- - - - - - - -. -, - - - - - - - - - - - - I ,- .-. . NUMBER OF ACRES ~ VALUATIONS , YIa, Oy.ter Timber UnlmprovMt Improvtd TOTAL Oyster Tlmb.r Unimproved Improved Ilmproyements I B. of E. (Bulldlngl) VALUE # (()"V) ~Q,r.y) i L"J r TO ~--- I." /tJ() /60 i1 " t)/) ,- 1_U'tL - ~ REFO :EST /J'O.oo YO 00 ., / M2tJ I RO'.SIP -- t~_4i't)- 8S" ~tl ,-1.-- , .~ ~"'" It, I. t " i." -e;- G-. . ~~-,--- , - I 1----- I , - , 1-- -. I --.- -- ,-~- - - ,-- - , - _n_ - I - - :J .~ .,.. ~ .,...~.~. ",..,-""'" . .. . . ..--. -.---- .......,-.:;.., / J' .5'7/. . 1944 - (.1 LOT BLK. lEe. TWN. ROE. I' ..'" . Year Fila No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS I?{) SALE PRICE! Rd. Beh. Port PUD FPD - --5..1 Simpson Lo!!. Co. 1 'lnc c:: 'l _..L... WF 1"- ~~, 0~~6. 7~ I ~ .s ,i 11.. ..L iL , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - >-- - - - - ----. -----_...'-----=- , ' , , '_.:' ";;"".,,.., ------=-------------~----~---- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oy.ttr Tlmbar Unlmprovtd Impro'ltd TOTAL Oyster Timber Unlmpro....d I",proved Improvlments 8.ofE. (Bulldlncs) VALUE ,-1~ 3:6,,:;0 ;].5:0 I ...y c? 7/0 Ld ?~ 7~ p.. RE2:Ql ~O ~,,~ 1f EST :5..<;'.00 ..3..5. 0 CJ ~t)~ S-~~ .s~ t) t..., ,\ or:' .l .IJ I;).'. 2/.. -6-. e ' '. I -' , F , LOT lEe. BLK. TWN. ROE. 1 ~ ~,.'~~... .,. V""',. - .~ 1952 ," . ~,>- '.... I ,..1~1 , ::.;i ~.....~'~.....~-