HomeMy WebLinkAbout420131260010 Vea, File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS / I SALE PRICE Rd, 5th.' '0" PUD l...!fQJ , '6 162791 United States of America rJi rJO I --- - - - - - - - I I -._- " ,. " ".- ..- .. . roo, I O,ne, NUMBER OF ACRES I V ALUA TIONS I Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL I Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved I ImPf'ov.ments I B. of E. (Bulldingi) VALUE 56 4.30 . ; , /1 .. f l {' II' , , lOT BLK. SEC. TWN, RGE. fl}:xo I 3. L~ (). () 110 J ... r........ ,J .~,' J, ~..--( I ,~ . ',. .... ../'- q.,,;1' .r. \, ~.,; r I Ii 1 "I"./" ,1I'I't, ! , " That portion of the NN NE which lies within a tract of land described as: Beginning at the point of intersection of the S7Qy boundary line of the R/W for State Highway No.9, with the E line of ~he ]~V 1~; thence Sly along the E line of NW NE to the ], boundary line of the existing 172' R/.v for the U. S. Bonneville Power Administration's Olympia-Shelton Nos. 1 & 2 transmission lines; thence S 61044' Walong said R/n boundary line to the SEly boundary line of the said Bonneville Power Aministration's 125' R/W in the SW NE; thence N 46022' E along said 125' R/W boundary line to said SWly boundary line of R/w for State Highway #9; thence SEly along said highway R/W to I.P. ".'.... H'.:... Vear File No. dF' D'f13 CONTRACT TO D'STRICTS / : / SALE PRICE ---.a. /7'75/7 J~,,:;; 7~ 3 ~ I' R~' :~'~ po; P~D FPD L I SF~ 53 12876' James Bleeker et ux LJ#2d 1/ ...LJL - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - f - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -I- - - -\ -~- -c- - ---- - ._---=------_._-""-,---=----~-- . --- -7""-"'''' . NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Vear Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyste, Timber UnImproved Intprovod ImDrovements B. of E. (BuildIngs) VALUE S't, , ,':1 ! 3/ /2":/0 ,f'so :2 0 90 2!/. .:11 3/ /2.-10 /270 2-.>/0 s-t- "'I'1b.7 ':<&.7 /,~ (' L' /,C{ 7<'> ,;;>'-170 ~ ,;(570 I ","<I:, 7D 1 (/70 ~~i..'7 /..;2;7 ,c) 2..-"/Fo - ~ ;jj -''F t- / :It.S?. LLL7-L2 ..;;~o /;;!71J ::;J '/ ()_ - - .57 :l-~.S-r. IrOD 2.f-. .>r. ~OO 5'0 12.;>0 / S' 20 ~9 2h 4'; I(),) 2/. h'/. ,7'.1.1 J? {,J PI/11 Ii I./J ~ 60 ..1.'5, J '1 l.oc;J ':<6, /'1 4c1cJ So 64'S /0f'S' - .!d. ,;(3, 0 0 3.Lt bL./q .370 t' f() 1/ t.s- ;),~/b b~ /9.3 ~ ;<1<1- ;;'~'/b 300 fc,9o //&:.5'" :J./5'5' ~ 19..Bta ~.~'? ~.?,' 3M) J-T~ I/~ ~~/S" /'.:14- .;1..4.7 <<1,9' 3t;tJ S71J 'I,s- I~.....,..... ~ :k~' .37S ::Jl/A . . ,..... ~ U /'f~ ~,'7 '-~ I~"Y 3~.c- ?II!J) /<<c;.s.. . 'h. 13'" .77 . ?~ 1~.J.t1 I~,.~ - ~~- cf/LOT eLK. r;. 77 *7-. /,:iI'! -- -- lEe. TWN. . RGE. f1 . I '- :iu...~ . I.". , ,,~. "'...... . > . \~ =J r+H I I~-+--I - - '.. "- .- --- \- .'~_' ". ..,,::...:-' _ _-'----'.c. __ _- I NUMBER OF ACRES I V ALUA TIONS Vear I Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved I Improved Improvements B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE 1~ 9,'7'7 ,.7~ ~49 ~~ .,-- V1 ~ /I'~()> '7? 'fJ' /J tJ ~t> IUII~ ...~.~ ~~t If.~ , ,;j.lj /" ~ .s;~7 ..7~ 5:" I'J~~ ~() ul jj W1,.t - ~c: I~~~M SPA!: ~~ ~ ..d/ I-;:-?? '_;_j , T ;. , C I " , . . . . " Vur Flit No. NAME of OWNER CONmACT TO DISTRICTS 1:'/ SALE PRI~ Rd. Be'. Port PUD FPD - - - - or#- - -.2l 16717f Cecil Dillon Et, Ux. 1,("\( --5. -l- -L- j75{(,~??/3 - - ~ P1{ /1/#8_ ./ - - J r.r.~ A:-/9~"",, ~ I~ , , ~/._+ /7 A /7. , ., --~ tI.. w-+ M~ ./ f- - - - - 1:219'-'.(( - - - P=- '!".f. 'r2JI77'? ;f ~, Jna-r--f7// ,/~ L 122i. LS 2- J.L L. II 7{Ly? , - - - - - - - , - - - - -- - -1- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I ~..~.~..,.. ...... ....f..." ,.. ,- ,._, .- ,. ... .",..-- --_.~---_...==~--"'""=------=-~~------=-=--- . ' ... '~-","' - .' ......~ ' ~- . . ---- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Vlar OYlter Timber UnImproved Impro'ltd TOTAL OYlter Timber Unimproved Improved Improvements B. of E. (Bulldlngl) VALUE Sl ./1 ./1 /cJ{) /ClO ~O ./f .Ift /00 .3:<'0 /!;{O M ./rf .1'/ /';1-0 .~ .;u; >'60 l..!/ ~ ~ /'2~ -f~tf .52.5:'" ~ ls 10\\.._.. "I) ~R~ ~ .,.~ Jjb~ (J /hAb g.rtd T . , .{'. .- . . , {-;./. , LOT SEC. BLK. TWN. RGE. o~ :~ . 71 . & & "'" III . '.' ,~ .', 'l'P -, _., ,.'It,... '...,....r.....' ,"' 1 ~r r", ~_ "Ur, .. ~ '.--...-"', .,.'" ',:' >"'-;I~-t '" i 176 !J P-372 Beg. st the intersection of the northerly line of tkK a certain perpetual easement for power line , 125 ft. wide being desi~nated on the survey map thereof as "CA-218x", granted by H. Millo and J. 1eecker to the U.".A. in Vol. 106 Deeds P-358 , with the Swester1y RjW line of Hy. #9 Olympic Hy. .hn "o,wester1y following along the SO,wester1y RjW line of sai~ Hy.50 ft. Thn So. 46022' west p,aralle1 with the No.1ine of Ease. 120 ft. !hn. Se parallel with the S,W. RI' line of Hy. 50 ft to an intersection with the northerly line of Ease. thn. No. 46022' east following along the No. line of said ~ase. 120 ft. to the point of ~eg. ,"Ji,...."-" -c-~--- _ _____ _ ___ _ _____ __ _ _ ~.a-. _ ~.'u Year FII. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS I~/ SALE PRiCe Rd. .... Port PUD FPD #151ol-2 60 James Bleeker et ux .Borovesky ....l. 3.Q5 s 1 ~ ...110000 M t12rJ1~ 1#////004/' - - ,p: "73P9'b ..L 'J01 5 3 1/ L JL Iko<Jo 6:1. ~,X'27/ 011" .~n 00. _ . d" ..tfl./.-l/ // 4 f If - - - - I- - - - - - - - - - - - .~~-= ....i ._' _; '.=e NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS v... Oyster Timber UnImproved Improved TOTAL Oyst.r Timber Unimproved Improvtd Improvements B. of E. (Bulldlngl) VALUE -ha .$ 7 ..:37 ./a CI ;>~S ?6"S ~ .37 .37 .Ie; 0 7,fo 9,1'/ i) - 1"- Ii t;'~ ,:?A' 975 h~~ . .JL ~ ~ 91J#J /?~-b ~~(J j~ tI/Jc'b JI'~6 1.5'R~ 7!t-~ .lM.tz , b(M .,~. 7;/ 1/. ! ~j , 1'. '. LOT S!C. BlK. TWN. RGE. .. IoI 'Iii ,,", ~: u ; ~.~ ., I Ii . ,- -"~'-' .___ ~-L-..i....J ,( ., '0-,~..,..!If ~ , II '<; "' ''<',., ,~, Com at intersection of N line of a certain perpetual easement for electrical power transmission lines, 125' in width being designated on the survey map, with the SWly R/W line of Highway #9; run th NWly following along SWly R/W line of highway, 265' to I.P.; th NW1y, following highway 100'; th S 46022' W, parallel with Nly line of said easement 160'; th SE1y parallel with SW1y R/W line of highway, 100'; th 46022' E parallel with N1y line of easement 160' to I.P. -~. 't:"....f~' .~--~'.- -' --- --- .- "