HomeMy WebLinkAbout420122200140 I DISTRICTS /31 Vear File..~~/\ 77~ 72 N~.IE of OWNER CONTRACT TO SALE PRICE 71!T.P- ~ ' 317 " , - Rd. Sch.) Port PUD I FPD "'6 -~'c/-/;J~ David F. ',12.1 ker et ux 1 ho s < L F $1000 1f- 1.2~t;-WI iJ. -;; Lv, II/! , / I11q S .=1 II L 1-1 ~_;/~7"? . t ' 2:<9/5t-. m,-A /7. -:m: j; d -1-.1. ..) .. -,/,,;j (~.z. , I I I , I I I I ,_TI-1 I I - - . ....' , . .- . . ~ NUMBER OF ACRES I I VALUATIONS Year Oyster Timber . Unimproved ~ Improved I TOTAL I Oyster I Timber Unimproved Improved I Improvements I s. of E. (Buildings) i VALUE ~ ~ M -- .R'7~ ro :fS'.:7. ,iL '" 'I'D ~ I ~ '>."7 ~ /-S'5~ .:!1A/)() L '7LJIJ 7J. I,..~ II "~A ~ 11/~lJ .~ ,PI ..PI .2da.. 14G"~" .:}/17/tP 7" 9&/ ';;3:'::) .~;',-~ ?:::, (J 7- Cle.' 0- , ~ 7' ' / -." .'. IV '-I _ / 71 7/^~o '? 7:2 =<() J.flnR30 91 I f}/ (01 35300 77t... DO 1/;;J.,'jOO . .:. {,I ,,'/ ::::', ~7") C-- ,- It,;;!. '1 (',J I [ . . , LOT SEC. ( . TWN, RGE. \, mtlA (~~a.o..L$2it 'T',.., .."'4 'f'-~ " , u .1 .r. ... ( // " ./ ,~ ~ , ". "': BlK. . , .~.., J~m~~i}t:g at t~~ co~~~~~;6:~m~ci~ W~ao&n~8J~; ~- W & 12; thence'-- 'r lilt!! S 89"1)' E, along section line bet~en sections 1 & 12, 644.1)' to W line of cou ty rO'1d; thence S 2"9l' H, fo}_lo',;ing along 'I; line of county rooe'l 100' to I.F.; thE'nce contir;ue S 2"9{-"tll'2.4,'; ther:ce S 60C>49'~' '.-I 27.70 , more or less, to lay R/W line of' cour,ty roae' runnint; :c;!ly and SEly acrIloss section; thence 11' 6,0'2' \1, fo'lo\-;ir:C GJone the !Tly HI'.'l line of cOlJnt~" roac', 97.40'; thpn"8 :; C"'C2' E 101.80'; tf.,.'nce S [9015' E 116.'C', "~lor' or Jess, to I.F. '- Tr. 16: Commencing at the corner common to sections 1, 2, 11 & 12; thence S 89015' E along the section line between sections 1 & 12, 524.15'; thence S 0002' W 37' to I.P.: thence S 89015' E 120', more or less, to the Wly line of county road; thence S 2009tr' W following along W line of county road, 63'; thence N 89015' W 116.30'; thence N OD02' E 63', more or less, to I.P. Tr. 18: Beginning at a point S 0002' W 37' from a point on the N line of WI~ S 89015' E 524.15' from its NW corner; running thence S 0002' W 166.80', more or less, to the Nly line of county road known as Northcliff Road (also knu.m as Shelton Springs Road); thence N 63032' W along said Nly line of road 74.25'; thence N 26D28' E 149.36' to I.P. ALSO: Commencing at a monument which is the section corner to sections 1, 2, 11 & 12; thence S 89015'00" E along the line between sections 1 8: 12, 523.82' to a point on the W line of a tract conveyed by ChaEles Stoddard to Frank R. Kokett recorded on Reel 20, Frame 741, and the J.P.: thence S 00002'00" W 37'; thence S 26028'00" W 149.36'; more or less, to a point on the Nly R/W line of county road; thence N 63032'00" W, along said R/W, 10.03'; thence N 21D07'47" E 1.69' to a rebar under an eD.sting fence; tjience continuing N 21007'47" E 208', more or less, to a point on the W line of said Klbkett tract; thence S 00002'00" W 29.36', more or less, to J.P. '-';,;.e' - __~_-o . .-- -- -:- 6- .-o-__~"';