HomeMy WebLinkAbout420122200100 y.., file No. '" b } ~'1 fAME of OWNER ~.'f' oj- 55 l5878~ .\. R. Stalker et ux 'fiL 7f1Jp/lt/ " " 3;jt. ,311Sf'3 .. " " %8 1/1$122 dMd<.";:/ .5#/?.... ~~~"';d~) J/y.3 41r1 2./7 /), L.. ':, /J)tJ~+ Id~ (1 j(~ 0 . CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS /." / Rd. Sclh. Port PUD FPD SALE PRICS i.id s 2.1-_1::. J-.306 .5 <3.fL L /1 $200.00 #fZ7.3/3 -I-- ~$4/.5.3 ...~5ao'" No '" ff~/10 QC.D. - ------ ----I-- ---- I- ---I-- , ---~. - "~.- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Yea, Oyster TImber U,.lmprovld Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved InlpTOved Improvemenb B.ofE. (Buildings) VALUE .&. .~V /bZ- 30 30 .,-'/ bc:J 50 .5;9 J!;< .1.. .:< 50 //7',1 I/;~i' r.-.s ~ . &,.2. .b:J, 50 /oso //00 ~. -'L . fa ;;. . r;,;). /00 I/S-~ /..;; b'.t: to;;' /.~~ I -,.- ';;;;J / .;,.:, ;" ,,(/ ~~ , .' ".-, /.. ,"" /'7'~.'':;- /,,/r .., 2: ) ;/ /.,::.; ~ . /,/\ / / ,:;1( ( r ~, ,~ /..;z.,j .29fo -'1/30 , U ~+4 -=>-- -A--- 71- 11- ,0 2'i?50 tj / 30 J 'f-:"~' .:)--. . -., 12 /';;':-0 ."V:;..;: 0 ..;/ho ~ .& ..(j- .B -C. 1<1 I' I, .;( <7 or; ,;'/1-10 S<t';'1) g -fr -e- -e-- LOT BL.K. sEc. TWH. . ""..,~ ..' '" RGE. .. .. " . "..',^, ,,", """!!!l ",\" Commencing at pt on N. line of NW NW, 300 ft. W. of NE corner thereof Thn S. parallel with E. line of NW NW 474 ft. mil to Nly R/W line of Co. Rd. Thn WNly along Nly R/W line of Co. Rd. 100 ft. to pt of bgn. of tract of land hereby descr. Thn continue NWl along Nly R/W line of Co. Rd. 100 ft. Thn NEly to pt on N. line of rM NW, 400 ft. ~ of N~ corner of said 40 Thn E. along N. line of said 40, 50 ft. Thn ~Nly pt of bgn. ALSO a tract of land in the NW NW 12-20-4W. W .M., daf: COIIIIlencing at a point on the N line of sd NW NW 300' W of the NE comer thereof; th S, parallel withthe E line of sd NW NW 474' + - to the Nly r/w line of Co. Rd.; th NWly, alg the Nly r/w line of sd Co. Rd 200' to the SWly corner of a tr of land _ conveyed to A. R. Stalker & wife by deed dated 5-26-55, recorded 5-31-55 in Vol. 164 of Deeds, pg 157, under AFft 158782, and POB; th NEly, alg the Wly line of said Stalker tr, 90'; th SWly to a point on the Nly r/w line of Co. Rd 18' NWly of the POB; th SEly, alg the Nly r/w line of sd Co. Rd, 18' to POB, excepting therefrom road r/w. ~- ------ - - ~ ..... /"" NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS ,-- Year Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Impro.-emmts B. of E. (BuildingS) VALUE 81 ,,'-. . I _5 ,/"j . ,,~ , '-, 3-"""'1/\ -'~ - - -' " ---'-',"- . " . - " I . LLLLLLLlJ . --.J =:3 l --.- ---- . H-Ijttjij , .~. NUMBER OF ACRES I I VALUATIONS Vear Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber UnimprQved Improved Improvements D. of E. (BuiJdin91) VALUE - ~" Ie" ,G -.z , 1.;/"::;'00 /0 ":!'i() }tj P90 .L...!c. _. ' 0<, 1(. . --(7 --f) -TJ-- 77 '-/5 {J() In-z,9f ('-IR9() 71 eJ, I f -e- ~ 0- ','t 7'1 _. '1-500 }D39~ I if K9l> 7i( 0 0 (j 77 t/ 8M 10390 /l1'27D i1 --- '0 - cl ._~/ </V L/ !;'"eJ Co' " 3?() /I./~!'; -- - 89.. --& --e- -A-. iL _. ' t.-v ,~v jl5"oo (;! 3~'"" ? 5'000 xl -G .0 .c- ., ~-~. ;T-2, fI ~ C I) ,;)o~.'? 3~-,,:'O - 8;t --e-- ~ ...(J---- .D ./1500 .;l.), 500 I il : , " . , - - . . ...~..- ,-,~....;;;~ . ~ I