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Y8IIr File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO D'STRICTS I, -' ;/ Rd. Set!. IPort IpUD FPO SALE PRICE -2l 15115" Roland L. Gp.rl18rnt pt llY '",';J.!H~t1",J, 1 ,JQ5 S ..1...__..1..._ It, tJcJa.C2 ~ 0. .1/ -/,;)o.s--i? ' ,..p, '-'RA:"'J /.v I-- .:? 5000 ;(,:2 /?,(.;.3'-\ "l->>,. J,. ,h. ,d ~4 AA "7f:..,,,;' __ '*- 6t ,~ ~dLjp/) t/ / ,$//) rf'-~,~d'..) _ _-- ~.,,,-;a,,,~ 4 {,iftipJ..sr- / fJ'/;. /J. """ j [g" '1 5 ,-3 1/ L f{ ~ -:;~ ",,,.::,4''''16- . ~3 r'3742 2 V).. _ il K I .:; J '''kL-#1;''~.;J.pf,., Yt'; '/31,,,{..0& &dv;f;l). ?4'o-kx..,-b+~__ /I /1 J WrJ 785 '/f/8'1z,oJ'" ItrtJO -<:" P~-t::" I' ~_____ ~;,<j~~7,7~n ~ 1/'1%1/". 1/ !~, ____ 'b.oLJ -------1 i ..~ ' ----------~----------------~- , , , '";.1'~,,~...~, 3K NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS -,~~, Ye.r Oyder Timber UnImproved Improvtd TOTAL Oyder Timber Unimproved Improved Improvemenh B.ofE. . . (BuIlding.) VALUE J:.'r / / tt/ / tJ..ro //30 .15 .75 &0 / a.so ///0 2L .7.>- J 7'>- (,. 0 1/50 12/0 .....-: .75 . ;0' ,.-&-- ~() //. ~~-d /d/&7 ~ . 7S- .7.';- -.!L.J'O 1'1/0 .;)39 0 .s;, " /'/0 ~#O Jk bS'% L.-,r' ~ "A.../ /) .k ~ ~z. iQ~ ""'4; ?~ ~() "HJ I ,#?5 ""r. ~~ ~ ~"t fJ7.r" - ,,~-- 3"'4 - ~ .--')/) ~,c;o .37~dO S7 171J 80 .5F6 .35 .35 I () zS' (l 37ZZ0 4'4'lC SL Ie:;,,',:, ~. 73t'()(J ; ?' C' ~"-, J'!L ,.<:.- ~~ J!.;; ;-1- '---' 5J;~ 73Foc' ,~- ,..-/-~ ! , LOT BLK. SEC. TWN. RGE.. ~2Jfdn~ " :'" .' ., '-H(.,;"":,,,'l~ . " ~. ..,~.--t,', ,.. ~.,.... ',-. , ....l"'III!!!!I Tract of land in NW! NW! See 12-20-4 as follows: B~ at intersect of Ely R/W line of Prim~ry State Hy. No.9 and Sly R/w line of Co. Rd. in mr corner of said NW.. NW'L run Thn SEly along Ely R/W line of said Slate Hy. 291 ft; Thn E parallel with N line of said NW.. NW! 316 ft, more or less to a pt 50 ft. due W from Sly R/W line of said Co. Rd.; Thn N 26 ft, more or less to Sly R/W line of said Co. Rd. Thn NWly along Sly line of said Co. Rd. 565 ft, more or less to pt of bgn. ~.:-,o-c,.~. ---:-~- :--~------ ....;,-.-. -,-,- - --- - -. -~ .....~ EXCEPT: Tr 9-A NW NW ,7//1,. ''''1~Y'-'.'3 ~~ E tf,-.,J04b).-" it j '1/ M " U- ~ .- ,! H<-,~ <>' OT'oLu~ ~/f?~)