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Y.., RI. Ho. C _ yO, ,,~_~ r,N~~e 01 OWNeR CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS /.:./ SAl.E PRICE Rd, !s!l.:..lPort PUD I fPD i I , 1f32476 9/7~ 272399 Leon R. Karch et ux 1 09 S 3 11 L1H' 3500. '/n 5:236(,} 1~[~'->vJu/-~ j)",~~A./ d- "crv !, / "'.sc<;.-{. f:c",C! 300 S'/3' c - ---- .-- . I . NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Ye.r Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAl. Oyd.r Timber Unlmproyed Improyed Im~'o...emenh .. of E. ( ulldln91) VALUE ~ .7~ :/~ ~ y,o 13 , ."'74 .7c/ ~ /7.50 1!f: , -Y ~o &n" - --" - -- 7x -- (".: ' J-j ,::- -i to 7,';(, G I ,-;-,C:c " " '0) / / S^ tVJ /3/u '1S-'1o C) ~,'/ //5:,' ,9 ~,' . 5'5 i/ 0 ;,c - LOT SEC. BlK. TWH. RGE. ~... " ZP 4 l't,--' ............""..._... Tract 14 of NE NW "',~-~~--,.'- ~'-,-- ~DI _-:2;)./ DJ~j:~ '/-/,'1<) r~ ..o<l '. The south 200 feet,~/t~e north 750 feet of the west 160 feet of the east 200 feet of the Northeast quartez:'lS:r,yS~ion 12, Tmmship 20 North, Range 4 Hest, W.M., in Mason County, Washington. - ,'..lso TIl(, \~ ~Cl' uf the r: '+0' of tl1e r: 20C' o~ the N' 75C' of tl~jt.' i\"E ~~: of See ]~-~8-{t\';, IJ.I1. Exce?ting therefro'11 rc r/w '-.." .,..:.:..., , - ----~--~---- .--~- --~ .- -.......