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05 . Vear ~ ~~~ ~o~""! NAME 01 OWNER CONTRACT TO OISTRICTS SALE PRICE ,,' -/> -Rd. Soh~ p", pU-DI"'D I ------* 53 99645 R. E. Grossman - 3 30 _..L__~3F, p 6'1 ~.<A~;1 'f-;jc -;:yf' /J ,,---:.F /4;z.--" 1.1- ! / :<;'. ,{tf"6 Ps-' !!fa b1.3 4'9 Ii:. _ (;i., II -#: (fA .M' fi J. /. .J ---- - / <:t ...1/'91-0/ ""'- !!/li- ,1.91,11'1 J ", JI P ((I. I,. d..,.......__ -- <: ~<>2.f-a3 /-. 7Gn yr,,- ::;;;; ~/'~ K;;~J..j~~~,) "f " 78 ..i. m _..L Jk .b...1:l1 ~ 7'p..:J3/ uw 1,f;:J.- u--9b'D f'f .LM_ -3 jKi-.L..tL -.i 77:>'3;;" ""6 7' ..- - - - - - - - - -- - -1- - -- , - - - - - - I 1-1- -1- - - -I I ._.-.:;.'~~~,~:~:-':':,::::~ ::~' ~. -" .., ...._~. "'-"" .,,~ _ _~~ ~:_ __:--,~,:-'.~ =~...~ ~~~.;-." o.;;-=-~~~~ NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS 6,J"cj V...r Oy.ter Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oy.ter TImber I U,lm"",d Improved I Improvement. B. of E. (BuildIng.) VALUE S!L /(J,11 /0/ /7 0-0 --SV 6J. 1J_/7 /~/7 !lcJ So , .i>..l 10. /7 /cu7 /70 J~O <<- ~ /11'..5''' /~.... 1d- ..Ii ~ ~ ~/- ~/- ti- /"11 ~ ;,4I8d Il- Ii; if /,1 I '( /i' / /0 / 0( 7() __1L /,1/7 <)/7 ~.s-'I.:<.s;- -:J. r t/..j. r- g'f J?s<f~S ~S<f~ - 6s- 5~G 9,87 9,B7 241(,,7" 2.41C,7S- ,. I I , I LOT SEC, BLK. TWN. RGE. K ._-----_.~.:.I' '.- ~ -~ (--' . , ',",' ,. I- '. ~, _t'. .,' ,_'_' ..:~, ;, 'iii ~Try.c'!;,,,,~.,pf .1iI.1i! 5"1 .." ,41' /.,~- - -- :-"'.'~ Bgn at center of Sec~8~ Twp :30 N~ R4 W~ run W along ~ ~ne of SW~ 10 chains; Thn S 14.~5")0ha.ins to Co. Rd.; Thn aloagBaid Co. Rd. N E1y to a pt S of pt Too N a:rO"O)cbains to pt of 'ogn. (Con. 10.175 of 'ogn, ac res) ( 1l!I'* . "........., ~--------, ~ Ex ~.0 To aC:>C//f'l(' .4/'# 1<!!>5fE,53