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- Year Fill No. \ NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS /<12 SALE PRICE Rd, Soh. Port [PUOIFPD "1- -I-i-- 53 84619 Elizabeth Comer ..l. lQ2 __l__.1... - C-c itZ IllL"\J,.Jl f..---- ""/~67~ ~ :.?q 0 RC. /A /7.4-, , ~- ;;( ~ /, ~/}n. tp~J#" ~_ !69-<'r 4J tJ-~ ,L'JA tJ. -- ..kL :ffh 75- .,; / 1'6 .3 J.Q1 f..-..L.& L lL_ I-- '?1 / //7 _ , i?- ""/9"-<<:7 ~ $-11</.~ II " , ; b~da. iq '}192 I I()..-, ,rhl".... J .~ Un ?fA J?/ .L ~ -131K .L ill , 1/ /, IJ - - - - - - - - -- -- - - =1= - -I - -- - - - - I --------1 .- -- .~!'~- -.:. ~'-~~: :.~.~ - ~ - -'~- ~ _ _ _':_:':_':~,_~_:':_'~:'_:_~~'::::6J!1-~_O_ NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS (,.t? IJ Vur Oystu Timber Unlmprovld Improved TOTAL Oylt'r Tlmb.r I ""';;d Improvtd jlmPfOYlmlntt B.ol E. (Bulldir.gs) VALUE is'.!/- /..f'tifO I I/t:/ <60 :<0 /.30 :2.30 S5. f?o .2/1 3CJo /fro 3l ipJ.1L'O 9,.f"0 ~M &0 /c/) .390 l:5,?7u> , $.- t..1 "'''' -:/ ~d I//. <20 ~ /tJ 0 g;1o 5/{CJ 6/ J;(, 'fo t-/ '/0 ~o ,;(00 90 390 /'J' 0 (,,;< /:l. ~o -----.!L ,/0 /t...jr. .;?o-o 7CJ ......., .:< j? i:) ~ ..-i' -,,~_/ dlstJ //~ .3 h (') C<L 7b- ~.",.{ -- - -37.5b . ,~ lQt ,1.9/:J d./7t:J -~ ~~ ..130 a.. /~ .;v7eJ ;(,,;I75" /7/~~ - - ~,d, 1'0 r - ~ -- i~ "'fl / 3" 't 77 ;..;(.1-(1 -'f if O. ,,' -) "l~;;..{) 1-/7.'-::-'0 l""<:;5.7n '(~,X() - .iL /,,14() ~~ / b, Po ~,;/.',.' ;:/'1:: . ,^ / .-(..( ~ . M tJ '7,10 ? tJ S'm /N706 1 "'0L/0 S5' 56'b /2- .Ita /C, ,S' 2o(d~o 80500 VO/F30 I LOT BlK. SEC. TWN. RGE. '~'.._-.- ,.tIII. - "'" '--",- ,4 ..;.;;......... FX ;.~. .-~T".--- .c;:,...."'..,....'. "'..~c,;'_...., . - . . . . .. . Bgn at NE oorner of swl\- of Seo 8~ Twp 20 N~ R4 W of OJ run.. Thn along N line of said swl\- 10 ohains to IP of this description from said IP run W along said line 10 chains; Thn S 19.35 chains to county Road; Thn following County Rd in Nly direction to pOint directly S of pt of bgn; . Thn N 14.jJ5 chains to pt of bgn. -~ ,zt/ /Ie. FtP/Z. ~tU TO aClN~ (/:;r#fL3t.o:3i)