HomeMy WebLinkAbout420014160020 Year Fill No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS /3/ SALE PRICE Rd. Sch. Port PUD FPD I ~DV - - - Lt~ ~ ~ 1 j0C . L ).> " t _, c'.; :'::;,1. .,-, eJeDt. 01 '" A U .2... - ,,_..oJ.l. - 3/ -L M .2 ~ (f L H - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , - . - - ~.u - - - - ---:~-- - - -' -'-= - -- - - ------~:.:. -----'-- -.. ~- -----:.:.- ....:.:: -:.- --:.-:.~--.:..:-:- :--::::..::.:;.-':--e'~~ NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyd.r Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL OYlter Timber UnImproved Improved Improvlments B.ofE. (Buildings) VALUE ? . !J-() /' -,;' - , LOT BLK. '14-l.2D'0I'4 J'/^'flO'':lI7'l SEC. TWN. RGE. ---- . - ---- r 'I' T1~~ ? Of'.T ~, I" i. T +, 1, *, -...... f,..- ,,-., ,.,-,,' ;.- , A tract of land in Govt Lot 1. Sec 1-20-4 and in Govt Lot 1. See 6-20-3 described ae follows: . Bgn at ! Sec. corner between Secs. 1-20-4 and Sec 6-20-3. run Thn S 1 deg. 361 57ft E along line between said Secs/~nd 6. 716.09 ft to a stone monUment being IP of this description'(said IP being also the intersection of SWly line of Lot 1. Block 2. Corredtion Plat of Island Lake Shore Lines and said Sec. line (); Thn N 55 deg. 38' 24ft W along said SW1y line of said Lot 1. Block 2. of said Plat. 127.46 ft. to a stone monument (being in SW corner of said Lot 1. Block 2 of said Plat and SEly R/W line of Co. Rd.); Thn S 34 deg. 211 36ft W along R/W line 125 ft. run Thn S 55 deg. 381 24ft E to M.L. of Island Lake. Govt Lot 1. Sec 6 Twp 20. range 3. run Thn NEly along said. M.L. to a pt thereon which bears S 55 deg. 38' 24ft E 154.50 ft from IP. run Thn N 55 deg. 38' 24ft W 154.50 ft to I.P. \ """,..;.. .,:..~ * Tr. 2 .45 Acres R/W Lot 1 - 2.05 n State Game Dept. Mason County j Year Fila ND. 1 NAME of OWNER DISTRICTS ___L::./ __ SALE PRICE R~. ;~. PO~IP~D'FPDliL~f~ . ~ ._..L.___ I ~fJ~ -1-[-1-(-1 .7 50: 1---'-- I i .-:?77.? IS3J/LIH_~2?~ . ~ 1--,--1-, ;;;:;/ 14j..t[ I i-f- 1*''''''' W/1f1 -1-1-----1 _,=i=I==- . I , , ----1-- I----I--~I-I "~~~ ~:-~~~ -'- -~-~-~ ~-~~~-."._~~~~~--";,:.:-~~"'- - -:~:.'._~'!::._-.._-~~ CONTRACT TO Lula B. Hill - /A./.<u/ lIJ. ~~~ ..#-~ ~oMcW.L~ ~~:; /. ]J/~-P-~ ~fA.f' .I ( IJ. '5'705"8 ~-lJ /;J~ + RI~A930 f "C,I, ~ h2 .! d ! ='fi:i.. ~/Jh.' //bIJ'-=j Rc.LlL ---.._'~;'~-~--: ---' '-' ~. NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS ----- - Oyster TImber UnImproved Improved TOTAL Oylter Timber I ",1m".,., Improved Ilmorovement. B.of E. (Buildings) VALUE 40 -,,/0 -7"'3 () 030 .200 S-t -- -1~ ,.f:J ].. tJ ,,) ),;/0 '75"0 ~ Sqor; 1,,)/1 .LJ/l t2 /95 I ..:52J 5'..sd 775 4 3c--o bC! 6-- 9a-o- , bCJ 5J.. 3f?,(!(1 /,L1t"J jlA tJcJ 3[{: .!2{) --.. &- 3. '-J C:;! .srf 3$":00 - ~:;:oo $OQ .- - .;300 ~,{. ~ 'h !jJ7!j .47L. - a ~.I' J~.41> ~3Jk //s~ 750 d&.. - 2A.. ~ ~Z ~ /2/7b I~/ 70 ~- + ~+'.JD //J'~ ~ ~ ~ ~.J21.. 1~.{4D .:2:J ::JI.. 02.3e> /~ . .5?$?b . 3 ~ ~ 1~.~1. ~, _"" - 1!1- .z ~ 7?, I /~ m.L ',:,(,-, v' r:: --! i> 1b .7 v{, /d,I/d /.i3<,."rJ ,/::9'-;'CCI , 7><:'OT ,.' -----\ ~.:~-_. BlK. -- (=::-----.. - SEC. TWN. I RGE. /'- .:-., ""',, 1 -'," , 01' '; ~r.l.~ ."'. ...... ~ '~ ~, ;-...'"... .- " -:-J *Ex. W! sw SW SE 0/ S,f' '1 ~/4J 17 /uS: '~..;': .~jjj~~"'l ,~ Y.... File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS /,,'.1 SALE PRICE Rd. Ie.. Port PUD FPD - - 58 110588 Lula B. Hill Ed. Taylor 1 30( S 3 L . tt12048 Lieo~3e W. ~ ...2L /7'" 7f9 -il I-p j1950 ,. ,. DaVl son J .12..L /'17t)tJ) 7 t617. ~u? , ,/ ~l{ .LL '!~ (A_,?-/ .:....-,-t.~,~ "L,_~~ '<-/ I-- - - - <if=- K ~I ;',,>~Fo bd 1:',;-1 d ;( -'>;> - - - - - C,,/ :r' 0. 5..5"\ t6 # L .....J oV./. ~~..-/.. U I M.. s 3 II L t!- he '?/ZsW (l3-R a..U. ~ 1./) #. ,,/1-4.. " ~. -~ I-- --- - - /d 02:1/ (?/LJ, 'lJ/,'~ J/) ~ 'Ild,p. / < // /,:(7~../ 3Cf6:n ~ a, uJ.0H d/:':,j., ) / - Q 7. -::"'619.<- !iJi... bao "11.1{ 2if3!iL J/tdp:v ~;{'{ 7/ :;~;,i: f ,J~ , u-::) ?99(: - - - 0/1,5' 31,'i9 '/[. ~. j.J/ '1./, f!1,;.,u <~~ -.&'- .5-~/--''79/ ,..;: c.':>, . , - - , / J - - .... ,-.. ....' . .. . . . -..- ...' ., . .... ___~, __________________________==_=-__====.~_===_________~__===_____________A_~_~ ~=___ . '-. . ", ~ ,... , ~ NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Y.., o,.t..r Tlmb.r UnlmJOroved Improved TOTAL Oyahr Tlmb.r Unimproved Improved Improvlmlnu B.ofE. (Bulldln".) VALUE ~ff -- .5:00 ,,0 -0 .,!o,tlO J> '"- ~ ;Z h ~c~ ~ !;':D ~SO $, Od /~S ~'75 S2~ u.. 5 ~20 - - 35!f 1';l,-'illIlJ ~ "" r 4j~ ..~ 9m- /~:::t: ~ 23- s:. ~ t) S:.,"D~ 1J7~ D.JI) RP.l~ ~ I~ 7.J:'b() l~i.{J 1~'7t. d . 7'/ /; - ", '. ). ~-'-:.. 3:J;,c;/ , 51 -c--- ..--".,...- ---... ---'.- ----*-., , T' /L/-j,T I 7 D. I /~ I ~I 10'" T-' . ' ,I I~ I --C, LOT BlK. lEe. TWN. ROE. -.../ T '1: C:" c:' ('" ~ ,.