HomeMy WebLinkAbout420010001000 . Ylar FHI No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS /30 SALE PRICEl Rd. .... Port PUOIFPD 53 105579 Simpson Lo[;ging Co. 1 309 S 3 L l'Il"J: Po. A- . )~1"",-, 6,. :"?/1"D .L 309 ..5 ~'3 /1 L Ji. %5 J-!'IO'.lM il - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - I- - - - - - I- - - - --. - - - - - - - - -. - - - - - - -I --- - .----~---------- ---- ~.~ -----,._-----;- -- --_.:_------------------~------_:. --~- rf 29 NUMBER OF ACRES r VALUATIONS . 2 Ye.r aliter Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL OyItIT Timber I ".'mp,..." IlIlpro~ Ilmprovemlnu B. of E. (Bulldfn~) VALUE 54 58.24 58.24\ 60 60 Id ~~ //5" -- .ZA Jj.~5 1", REFOI ES'l' :n12- ") i? , -/ /,..~ tJJIJ '4/) Sf. [l-,~W.1. .2lS. /Oh1< Id7.~1 .. 57(PL,~ '--I"'~ ~., ... _.. -' f== - I LOT SEC. BlK. TWN. NE NE 29.15, Wfl NE 29.09 RGE. 4 N!r' SECTION EX ~~,~6-1'D~ ,'~5T aASSIRED ~'\ /-T/ /," oj'Oj ,.-..-o,......-.'--.-~~.; ., ,..~~.~ That ptn of the SW SE 1-20-4W.W.M., daf: Commencing at the SE corner of the sd SW SE which is a concrete monument at the NE corner of Cherry Park Plat as recorded in Vol. 9 of Plats, pg 52; th S 89 53' 48" W 458.61' alg the S I ine of sd SW SE tap on the Nly r/w I ine of Island Lake Road and the TPOB; continuing th S 89 53' 48" W 409.84' alg the S 1 ine of the SW SE; th N 00 39' 44" W 328.35' paral lei to the W I ine of sd SW SE; th N 89 53' 48" E 126.65' pari lei with the S I ine of sd SW SE; th N 00 29' 55" W 670.6/' paral lei to the Eline of sd SW SE; th N 89 33' 01" E 259.57' paral lei to the N I ine of sd SW SE; th S 0029' 55" E 672.18' parallel to the E line of sd SW SE; th N 89 53' 48" E 202.36' parallel to the S I ine of sd SW SE; th S 42 48' 22" E 68.72' to the Nly r/w I ine of Island Lake Road; running th SWly 356.31' + - alg the Nly r/w I ine of Island Lake Road to the TPOB. ... .. . ~.'::':-;::"~ -/I_~"-;/ tl ~r .". ,.,-:...,' / /r .-I/~' ,/. ,'-, ,". f /: . , ,I (' r .. ~ -.;'.-' .~ 1/ ... ! - - \".!/: /7'0.. . /. ,'. .' ~ , ~ ... -~" ;' ,! " '\~' YI~r-fi11 N(') - r-----' . I NAME (')f OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 131 SALE PRICE ,.. Sell. ; P?rt PU~I fPO I I - """ ~ I I tl09 5 i .BIn _28263h-. 'tttl>()l'lort> Rf "hArt" 1 3 11 L H -m~~! -- ]]./7 r--136!t~... ~.?,,".P' "':".1 Richard W-Beve~ !L ,!.~ ea 7200 dM'f/) I-- -- Ib- li.-iftJ~!' OJ-~,~~ -' --- ----.-.-- - --"--- ~u ___ .--- ..-- .._----~- . ---~ 1--.,.--..' -..--- --- ,-- f-u - - . . .. -:. ~"" NUMBER OF ACRES V ALUA liONS I Timblr I 21------ 71 11- qt-t- Unimpr(')vld Improved Oyder Timblr Unimproved Improvld Improvements (Buildinq,) B. of E. VALUE :;;, , /1'3<7 1f5oo 3oNo /1 S"t1 {J .5" d1./{.1 {) /1S-oCJ 53h50 /('30 34-(,,0<:> t?6oCJ t5/So /.00 - ----1--,_.- -- .. ---+ ---.- ---- --.-.+-- -- -,:.o;i" 4...-';,.; , i t W6b' /' 'f~q 6690' 1'rac.. t 9 of $VJ " -'-'.- '., --_. loii.....->- . ~'"- _....-....... .....:flIli'-.. ~of!':I , I - LOT BLK. SEC. rwN. ~., 1" _ ..'J,O. RGE. 4 I, F ...~ ." ..7-""_""'-,,~.1.!l' ." . ' ,~.",'.~...,,,- .... (Tract II of Short ptat ~4 AP 13344(9) 'J_../< ~C" . r ..... -I All that por of swt SEt of 1-20-4W, W.K. desc as follows: CMfENCING at the SE cor of sd Stlt of SEt, sd cor being a concrete IIOntDent of tbe NE cor of tbe Cherry Park Plat as recoilded in Vol 9 of Plats, pgs 52 and 53; tb N 00029'55" W alg the E line of sd swt of the SEt 969.03'; tb S 89033'01" W parallel to the N line of sd swt of tbe SEt, 259.99' to tbe pcb of tbe tr of land bereby desc; cont th S 89033'01" W 223.16'; th N 00029'55" W parallel to the E line of sd swt of the SEt 195.19'; tb N 89033'01" E parallel to the N line of sd swt of this SEt 223.16'; th S 00029'55" E parallel to the E line of sd swt of the SEt 195.19', MIL, to the pcb, EXCEPTING therefran rd R/W c.-.' .::;;:-;;::;;-..: .............-