HomeMy WebLinkAbout420013300030 #; You File No. NAYE of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS I,';; SALE PRICS Rd. 10', Port PUD FPD II, "~" it, cu\. - - - 60 E. C. Swanson ~ C 1 192 s 1 L j450~ Dun ap - - ,,-/~~ :,::, VA'. ;; v/o~ b- -"" /7 ' -1zL -;_~ JO;:J7E/~<j~-'A - '''-''A, S7! 1Jf'176? I.- ,~ '~J;"..J - - ~ ~~-8~1.? IQ~'A'o~7 ~ 1"::' #) ~ ;l;(A.tY. ~~/, .L 'JntJ 5 -3- // I~ LL 3""". '~O 30'.35.5'1 A L ;f..JJlte ;f f<,dr~ 1 .J -# :JtJ"ff 9500 w~ tiL 'I. / // .,4 A' -" (J1J[) ~9'/""o NO. 4"72/17/ I 75.?/l'Y> hiLl - - ~ - I- - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~.-.. ...~ ..'<" ~. NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Yeu o,lter Tlm"r Unimproved Improvlld TOTAL Oylter Tlmb.r Unimproved Improved Improvenlenb ., of E, ~ (Buildings) VALUE -6Q .27 .27 20 20 ..M. -- ...:? 7 ,"'<7 70 :70 G,~ ,~7 ,;;;l.7 70 .;/ ,f' 0 3!JO l.1t /#eJ ~() .31t:J ~ -- ~!:i~ ,.3S'ZJ ':/75 ~ .~ -i7: ~ ?"'~ .It:J9 . - 'H /S"()fl) ;'aJ ;U~ 7iJ ~,,~ :;;" .. J?'ta '17~1!J " , 'ISOo 3' -, 75~O ' io...... v'.--.~J g/ /1,;;"tJo ~;;(:"'._:.) 1'1 70 0 N ,';;7 ,'"-7 /Is-e, 0 3d?uo 1#7UC LOT BlK. lEe. TWH. RilE. l!iti~Q ) 33 D. Da"6i<:f~ Tract 1 of SW SW l'lW , ./ ""1:< "'""11 J" A tract of land situate in the SW~ swk sw~ of Sec. 1,1wp. 20, R 4 W.W.tIt.' ! particularly desc. as follows: i Commencing at the corner common to Sections 1,2,11 Rnd 12 said Twp & Rge., and bein~ the SW corner of said Sec. 1; run thence N 0004' W, along the W 1 in. e of said SW~ SW~ SW~, 630 feet, mill to the NW corner thereof; thence run S 89015' E, along the N line of said SW~ SW~ SW~ 645 feet, mil, to an intersection with the W line of the County Road; thence S 0002' W, alongithe W line of said County Road, 200' to the initial point of the tract of land hereby described; thence continuinr, S 0002' W, alon~ the W line of said County Road, 100'; runnin~ thence N 89015' West 120 feet; run thence N 0002' E, parallel with the Iv line of said County Road, 100 feet to the S\~ corner of A tract of land heretofore conveyed to George W. Cl~llens and Donna J. Cullens, husband and wife, by deed dated Sep~ember 25, 1957, recorded Jan. 27, 1960, in Volume 197 of Deeds, page 352, under Auditor's File No. 182082; thence run S 89015' E, along the S line of the tract so conveyed, 120 feet, mil, to the said initial point. ,..,.....~ -----. --- - '_.'--~ , ,'...,-- - ........;.~."'.;-- Year File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS I.':'," SALE PRICE Rd. Beh, Pod PUD FPD - - - 53 Carl Swedbure: 1 309 S 1- L 'FF -- ....2L IlL' .:J'JC~ -/?/_/-Rd - ,Jl //hA V vSoo, <,0 - - ~ / / / I-R~ ;:( i'.. ~ /5,/0</ ..hL 1%?I'ltI:<, MArA rln_A J - - H=- 6'5- r!. }J, ;J J1~..J / ~ ..2S'i'y - 1- - - - - " .s-OG). 6.s- ;?/5:3d(, I~ tlA /7, '~A, /J.-A' , ....5"~ - - - - - 9/1/ 21.,' . c1P# ah -<. / b7' lL ~ J././-il< I ",,2. ~~ L .J 9)JJ HJ 95f.), I "11 /u JI J!~J .J -J. .", /. n~3.:z75'? ~ N?'Y7! 3_t>, ,f tel ~,dw-r --€/dL 01. #0'70,- - - - - ~CC{' '-"Q - - - - - - - - - - - - 1--- - - - - \ -~ _ _ _ ~_ _ ___ _ _ _ _, _ _ _.:, _ _, _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, _ __ _ _" _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _:.,;; _ _ _ _ _ c. _~'....._. __ NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Y.ar Oylt.r I Tlmb.r Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Improvements (Buildings) B. of E. . VALUE 0-r 5'J ~7 6:2 /cJ /0 50 5'0 1(,,0 .;2ICJ -€3- SO ,5"0 /0 cJ 5'oI/St:! if 5'0 Ie{, 0 /';;'-1) ./~ ,h1),L) I ~illJ Se2.00 /0, 0 () /O,/JO - , ',rJ -yo S'c7 /{,o ,~Q I I$':/) Ii :--lP; . II;~ ~d ~ >, as li I..~ ~ ~ 1B. '2Jl II.!!'!'., LO,oO '101) /(~.!'u 10,00 'f.,(J IJ ..: l4 ?, ~r.& ~7(> :"l- /1 / .' " --f . ~ J>L/ .'.1, / ;~ LOT BlK. SEC. TWN. RGE. '..-< . ' u.' ~ ~ '..' t 1 n . . ,.,.-.-~t:' , , ~< i" -'-,-A_ ~.. ....-, "-- / .f?J " l ~-.; ;~ ../ .r :J~--t_ } ; ?~