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Ye.r File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 1</"" SALE PRICE Rd. Soh. ~I~I~ - ~ ~"'7 ---2.l 147120 Frieda Ann Hoeft et vir WA. wll; 7"eAJP/f' ..l.. 401 - .L L SF. ) ?J 1,00 -- ...:2Z " 71/w1. /2/, l(dJ-. ~ / L ~ /16" <><>0 ~\. /t .f'5?.7o " ~ ~ - - . Robe4 W. (Alene (/.) , VV': fO 18 "'9 d.. ':L tL \ ~'I-/9-lf () j fillL 330348 Whitener et ux c' L #52883 '.'!OP :ff .L M ",Z W. ..b.. iL - - - - - - - - _1- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - , - - - - - - > - - - - - - - ---j - ---- .--'';'_._~---~ ~"_.;. .. --'-~~- _~____n__n~" .____::.__:;_:._...:.:n_:;_____-.:.-'__~~'.~ NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS I u"::; - Y..r Oysbr Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Improv~ Ilmprovemenh B. of E. (Bulldlr.as) VALUE -J'J! tJ,n '/.,'" <.?V I E 9,,,,,, 9-0-0 70 .r ;70 - .5'7 r. ~ D 1.oD ?O .> ,)0 COil k 7,tnJ .;). 0-0 9,CH) Rs- 5"0 /~~o 175S" ~ ?~g I- ,g() tf. 30 J'S- ,;JS- 11..:1.0 1?3~ tis" ~~ ;'~$" /39r ~ tis- .:J!5'" /t/RtJ /590 " .I/() 30 / PSO /~,~ 1L ~3t;) /,4:1 1,30 ta?,; /1.41'0 18:3 t:> .fI'7,o ?~/~ ~ "..J"f.. ".. PL' ;,.,~ <"4) '- ,~ .533.s'" ~ , 'IJ .2f 7/'-01 .;;;! ~.3" .:(,,-/? ~ J.L 'I. 30 : ", ) , ',.. !:Ji:o --, ", 'i ,~, /770 ,jd:,_, .12 /?i,:-- - -,' 1_ ..1. 0 /il 1,.1,1 i!: ; ,,' () OJ' <:A /~6J/(J,."/72.o I - i // LOT 1lEC. BLK. TWN. RGE. I" .- f!i .~. ,J ",:,,~._..'__'>" ~.~LQQQ5C> ~. ~ j .- !>. e MI>,NW"",", ._~. - ".'" ~ . '~-.'-~ .. , . .- ,- All that portion of E 600 ft of which lies N of S 660 ft and SE State Hy. i 9D. LX ""'-/"< II ~'C.:( dE 3w ;"/' '., "'/ ~ NE NW of Sse 25, Twp 19 N, R4 W, of SE R of W line of Secondary .:.,:::~:-. - ---T I ,- -i -I . \ I -L._~' NU~ER OF ACRES Yellr I Oyster Timber \ Unimproved Improved &0101-'8(;';" 7/:?.:$A_ 7.50 ,%0_ ,go 1Y- I . _._1 I TOTAL I ! _I- I ~.Oc') _I ",,0(.. _I_ I VALUATIONS Oyder limber I Utlimproved \ Improved '{~~ft~i~e,its II07J't' ..3/3,30 :90051 I 71'l../J IS<!501339<16 /fN50 1-7//$"<10 I __7. 30 !3t !c.,;, I ~~-~~~~ --====:-f~-I=~---=t=~i - I - - -~---- ----~- - - ----=.'..::l=t----I . I ';,10 .. of E. VAlUe //2/10 '2~79S 5"< 35'0 ..5f 8 5"0 Year FiI. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS J"/r SALE PRICE Rd. Scb. Port PUD FPD =1 - 65 211845 Robert Wesley Whitener '< 401 e-3 L #1266 - ~ 3cC; - 2- 1.. ~ /I ..L - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I-- - - - --- - - I-- - - - I-- - -- - - - -- - - ---- - - - - -- - --~--- - - - - - - - - - - - -I -, . - . ---.- . ~. NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS .:ru Oyder , Improvements B. of E. nmb.r Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved (Buildings) VALUE '~ .1'0 .fO .:1S' .2~_ .l.~ ~~ ~ ..a~q _ ~r ,,;~ "'I~O c1R5:' ~ ~ ~ /1:)7-.""- /nD.__ ... -/A ~ % / ~S't} .37~O ~(IJ. __ 1J J....'1' ">1-" tJ 25.tl.1J //)O..:JtJ ~ .;3 "O~ /7'lytf d<17;?d - IfD -C-~ ~ ~i ~ ---) , , .- J~A I~', /~ , . , - ~' c Ai" ~V,,/ -' - .-< ~,"'U~ 7'/ -/, ",: / .J J y,. . .~ "- ~r~ENr ./, / .- J LOT ILK. SEC. TWN. R6E. , ~ -Ii ._~ "!,..< .. , . - -'- ..~..._"....--,~-_..... ""-.,..;.- r __,;;~...... "'1,>, Beginning at the intersection of the Sly RjW line of Highway 9-D and the W line. of the E 600 I. of. ,NE NW. thence S along W 'line . 125'. , ,.,. , . " thence E, j parallel with S li!le,of said NENW, 200 '; thel1ce N, paralJel with W line of said E 600',150', more or less, to 'Sly line of a ' private driveway; theMe NWly, ~along Sly line of said priyate driveway, 90', more or less, to Sly RjW line. of. State Highway 9-D; thence SWly, along Sly line of ,Highway, to L P. ~, ..-.'-~ ~---. .-