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Year FUe No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS /.;;.5 SALE PRICE Rd. Soh. Port PUD FPD I J /?7.p?, ,'of' JrJ. 'h ,~lj - - - - ;/ 55 155034 John B. Kelly et ux 3 309 1- L ~ '.250 '-' - -- ....22 ,~ ~ P u: nu -p~j 7.....< 13 ~ n / ... 7/ ~:-'-t"};,1J ~. ./ /' ~ff.(v ~ tI. !. .'1, / .f' ':;-",/.2 _"ZV '/" --oESIGNA T..E09rznJ V" - - 73 2177// , /; - - - - &jga 3g0f).i1 1(1 j,.n I. (). (lJ,. " '/J ~ 7-, Vnur,,-:/) {(I 1 M 3 /.? L iJL t/ I-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - f-- - - - - - - - --- . ._=-- . ~ --- .- dZ , NUMBER <;IF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Ol.ter Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Older Timber Unimproved Improved Improvemenb B. of E. (BuIldings) VALUE 62: ,::(3 .:<3 1/5" liS' '76 .23JU ,;( .1,( c1 //5 1/.'-;- .;?:]-t!)c) ,;?/]!J6 J'7cJ /'70 , PL :? ,3, o-v ::(;3.o-c ::<30 ~30 ff21 :Jr~ .f) () a.d,1M ~ IJ IJ) .R~ta - " 10., "Z. .:I ".0 ~O !d. /3. ,(}fJ 1~60 ----./~ IS-a m S"d~ e~~o dr.13 () ~3~ ~ I--DES -1GN 1. ,TED 3RSI-- ~ . 1.~ /9'5 -;>~ 53.5 $1 ~AA,2 - h!L 9~ /.3 . tit') /~.rMJ 9'/L) 9/a ~ iC'."j /c,'C' .1L I / .;< ;J. 0 J ;;<;;2. 0 7? /;:<75 /~? 75 LOT SEC. BL.K. twH. --:;. 4"1, R~:."rij~ ~ 7 ~~~~lRfS'~'4iU -,. ~' Lots 2-5. Blk. 1 " 7-24." 1 I 1111 of Blks 2-34)-v>1-f:' 0 Streets adj. & abutting ~Qts 1-10, Blk. 5 " 1J 24. " 5 ' ., ~ " 6 on Blkg:--r~6 ;= / /"7/"' L,' (>~/(>' . ~l-<~/-d' / --/ /~ // ,~', /rL, C _..v-r:~,,/J_"'../LI ~ ,tr/ ~(. -(' L.<.".J-- ~-- - -c....-- -~ ~"'.\~~. *E.{. Tract 2-A-'i3, ~ . LLLI I I -. NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS 6J'~ Timber I Unimproved ' . Year Oyster Improved TOTAL Oyder Timber Unimpro...ed Impro...ed Impro....m.nts B. of E. - (Bulldin95) VALUE ~ DES GNA -r;r::i'l 13.{)O 1/70 j/ 7~ -=-- /;6 CJ /0!.60 ~ j3,OQ /3,00 /.3 10 . /.1 'I c) DES. ';;'is- /,;( t/-,-- [3 _L_ /3'::;:: /3~c W f---.- 13, oa I!:,o~) I? ~.;- 1.3 "3S is - 1~'310 13(0 ~ .-- h3~ 1:2.3si' 1------ , - f----' - -- --- .. , - 1---.---- 1----- --- -. - '- I i. ~'