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Year File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS /07.5 Rd. Soh. Port PUD I FPD SALE PRICE --.2l j;15/ :J.//#;;7C, .." ':;5,1(. "",. ' J7 1-g./)Ci~:< ' #1.. ;.:, 7f~ ,(., 7. '(::j"t..r.?F ,,;;t;I,4, jJ2J;7 /t: d ' ./ // ,/ h 7.1:?/lt..S'Q 0", 4,- , 'r; U../ "./1 -? -----'!. ,,%1 011p, ~703U, /,/), ,~ II,L' ./ ~ '--1M, '7.,'JI')U ------ 3/SJ.. J/O(~og -::: 'VJD (L .d.J1f 1/ r j1/>'11.;;'\ 1-_ 9/85 444221 Michael L. Baker eft m(Rronda) __ :!j;S- 11/,/1j)7 :rJJJdo(..L?;,Au d?<;K (RA.."IIJ.. \ _____ Jens Isakson l.lQ2._l__ L SF ~ /..3 ...... ~ 7.50,5/ /G.,y/ "', ~.?..'43 'f~dtJ, 1--:------ (f-'tl ~E.b.fL $- 7770; ../;,275'00 ,cE<:. 1192556 "'~p 14()()() w "Uop "m I ----~~~~:~~-~~--~=-~~-~~~~-~--~--~-~~-~~~-=-~====~=~~=====~-=~~~~=~=~~~=~~~~=~~.~~~ --~... NUMBER OF ACRES '"'' I ~ V ALUA nONS 6JO Year Oyder I Timber Unimproved Improved Timber I U"m"...d Improved I Improvements B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE .5'~ /"Q,,, //.->..dlJ__ S~ ~= 6J- /~d'O /ji, (!{i f!cJ F() ..6L /0.00 /0,00 /00 /60 " ~ /.-~ /,;} S- ~/" 2/L .rb.7.: .a7S/) 4J 7,~d I 1!h- l' 5~,JttJ . .1iL 75' tV 7~<''''' I .........' , .ii. /d.OO /(J, tfD ~O~~()D ~..'lO'-'[J ''II J. ,)~ ,,) . ~/!,'--,co -"ie-v , , ' ~s '.P' ,;(,3< p,3~ -9'11 () t/7C.Q / ! lOT SEC. BLK. TWN. RGE. I J . t~Di7:1 .L _']~~' . ~..-. ---', . .~ ..,!~c::. 1 <j>:Jif , j . 'Iii ~ ~~~-r~ . .'" ,. ... "iP Formerly: NE NH NE (Tract A of S.P.#1138) The W 230' as measured along the N line of the NE NH KE, 7,19-4 H,H.M., lying Nly of the Nly rlolw line of Cloquallum Co. Rd #1000, excepting therefrom rd rights'of-way. ,.4W. "f'"'." ---:. .,'--, - -