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Y"l' File No. KAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS / .;z 5' Rd. ech. Port PUD FPD SALE PRiCe; RouL,. Lee 0L.eVeIloUIl --$lL '7?nnn N'Ary T,pA T.pp 1'1". vir rim1A "''':: .;L. ,n, UI~~A,,_~ ~ D. ",Izo n/7. "'7 .M:.::r<;(~ 7?1 ~J. .J:j' ,,/l , Y (J.. P- / XI.L '<tJ 'f 1z..Lb;;'5371 ~. ~ /-d '~//~~ A \ /')<J'" 7' J - LI-_ ,:., c.- f /3 3,ll....L.tL ~ I Y{,/7 , --I-- . ' . -- --, -,'. --..;:- ~-- - <>-=-=-~~---- ----------_..._---------~..._..."" =-~= -~--=_....----'~----- -----'-;;." ..-=-- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS You OYlltr Timber Unlmprov6d Improved TOTAL Oyder Timber Unimproved Improved Improvements B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE 5K. /.;2/ 12/ .It') /6 H ~ ~ .K' /$ 1,( ------- - 1/ /; , LOT ..... BLK. TWN. RGE. ~ Ite t Cf 40, 334fXlO:ot · ~- . .1; 1 ~ 'n li'''i- ()F CO,. (,'!9 T c."r ~"I j ~,,(' r ,~-,<II 10 Iw "___ __u ~_ ..~.. , 182 D. P-622 N. 40 ft. of the S~ of the SW SW , lying ". of the Co. Rd. ?' / / //c':' I:. ,/ / :,//c'" ---"i"",--::.--- / ,-;' , " -.:.~L-F~v- ,,/..:....r--:t-,..-y -/ . " -, " 5'1 cJ .!....-.'_. ",' ,'" , .-------------. -_..,:-- Year File No. CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 1;2 5" Rd. ~ port!PUDIFPD _1_1 3 309_1...__1-... SFl ---~-- WF A ------'1 .f/ ..L 3n 9 3 Q_1.ic.iL1 , 1==1===1 =1==1=- --\=- NAME of OWNER -.2l. Lucien F. LcConihe ...51z... / f bI 30 '/- j:;,",?tJ ../-. .8f' , ,,? iJ ..J1... g;;:;.r7 0/_' .. )1/ / ' / -' 1'-'1' t/ :r / ,/ I ,~u..:.~:;.:~~:..:..~:.._ -------1 SALE PRICE - ,c-'(;.) /6 ~.J [I. / *,/ ~-~'- 7~o. ~th,';;Y . '''''''":,,, .. .,;. , - ~."........ ~ NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS n_'_____ - Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Tlmbar I U.lmp",,,d Improved j ImprOl/lments B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE /0 ~O /0 ...S' CJ - - Elf /O,o-i) / (J , o--z .so SO jg/ /0,00 /0,60 /0 /d ~ 3.;i' 3 s: (H) 3S- 3::0 ,0-0 14- ~,~tD 70 70 2d ~..~/) Ro pl1J U. 3.:lt!) .3.2 0 ~ RCW .ai4 '-If} 00 -:/iJ,() 0 V~% ~9'~ ~.ftJ ~ E'l., , ,Ur ))" ,,/ i j, /- "4 " {lJ ">. IJ,~ 'L ./ I U -- " / ,/ I , I -.. " LOT BLK. SEO. TWN. .... \,0] L",- ROE. ~~I~ 1 t.; I ."-, ., ...' ".. ."" T' ~ .~ ..... ,jd '... ,...... p!."'_ -""'I ~.-. :...~ \ ....::"'~. :Li' B 1 UlI (hJ _..