HomeMy WebLinkAbout423094390030 Y.., Ale No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 336 SALE PRICE Rd, $ch. I Port 'UD f'D 71 Ir.vestment. Syndicates C shrn.an Assoc. 2 r+04 H 3 L l! H. ^ 2/73 TT./-'-<-./'--' ;:>7"'529 David S.SquirE $14000 ~ f f/9/n I /7_ . , """/G t. 77 !:i:& ' 7fI~f (!~'^'-",!, -"l:,cC!- ~AUI1, 'J.I, , .-n e;11 h ~ 15;;6;/4 fit',. (, .1 .,j) P/,' ~= 1i1 rt ' (..' " f' "i", :.l;l Ii; ii/, il1,i "J,,,nhl1),-Jg ,'/M ,(j 71 ~ " ffS3&"f/ '5hc 3'fOMfJ ~1fM1"A< , ~;..-t;A~ " " ~ v , f{ I Wn4 r-I II i -3 L ')ICJ c;-' e- . vAL~~rl~Ns '.'.~-. ~_. -- ~ NUMBER OF ACRES 1 Ye.r Oyder Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyillf TImber Unlmprovlld Improved Improvements .. of E. (lulldlnQI) VALUE 7,;( II), t/ s- Il?..y' 6 /</6 'l~., 9$g !1Jg U//5 -- ?t: '9i? /.."J Z-S Jli I,v,cj{ - /_~/J:::'/') - /'l -/{ J ( ,; 5n:j-- .s;:; 3 5,')3 13;2[ rl.3:2 () 'I(.;J 3/ IS'; ./ ::;:)<..!:J tV '" r /.31 J. :>/ 37'::-0 3'?Sc) 115 0 /n Of),) /.;, - It) C> , LOT ILK. I ~ ~~~o~~:~xr~~I~:~{:9:~~~ SEC. TWN. 06"- 2'1 4 E I - - . Correct I ega I per QCD# 332687: ',. The, east half~f>f the followin9 described pr.9DertYE; 1 'd S l'ne 135c..64", thence Re~~nnln~ at uIle S 4 corner OL sectlon 9; tHence a ong sal ~ r) N ()O:OO'29" E 670.64' tr. the I.P.; thenc~ ccr:Unuing]( OD30'29" E 670.Fi4'; thence :: 87013'"1" 71 67':.13'; tbeDce S 0030'20" 7T F70,6E"; thence E F78,~fl' to I.P, (Tract 1-D of S.P.#391) 2 The ,j 167.66' as measured alOng the E line thereof of W of that ptn of the NE SW SE 9-23-4 W,W.M., daf:4 COMMENCING at the S corner of sd Section 9; running th S 87014' E along the S line of sd Section 9,1355.64'; th N 0030'29" E along the E line of the SW SE, 670.64' to the SE corner of the NE SW SE & the TPOB of this descr tr; continuing th N 0030'29" E 670.64';; th N 87013'51" W, 679.13'; th S 0030'29" W 670.60' to the SW corner of sd NE SW SE; th Ely along the S line of sd NE SW SE to sd SE corner of the NE SW SE & the TPOB of this descr tract. -----_4-.- --- -~. .;.- ~ ___A ____ ~~,... /, /' / , (