HomeMy WebLinkAbout423094390010 r Vear File No I NAME of OWNER I CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS .~:...::;- SALE PRICE I Rd. lli.!!.:...' Port I PUD I FPD 1-1 I , l'flOJ./ fI 3! L !ff: 67 228444 Investment Syndicates if 10/6' 264403 Cushman Assoct . _LI --- 11/7, 264763 Carol N. Pence IRr, di, ... # .-r;d:;fl8'i- ~&' 310016 ~hmM<.J ~ " " -- -- ~ 40;2 7.3S' 1.4~ /' l ,.-'/ tJ F 7.f'/':>r, $C'" ..^ ~t"" !:iff;) ';03&'SO ,h;') It 0.:.,; ,I ;} I- I/- -ff, 75'.01'.1 "/a., '~ ~ 4-09.5'0/ 01' rh 7,)1-A-~Mi ~oj I ~o '7 7b,~~.. ~.o; '1'10,2'/1 HL .J x,~~ ~" .J ~t ~ 7'/~63 i.~~" r) .p~c. 1,f~ '1'1.3'1'17 Cad )). h"uo I J :;d ~j' w.b j t;u..... I - I I , . " . - . - o,~~_o_ ......,.,." . -,- ---. -- j NUMBER OF ACRES H VALUATIONS Vear I Ov~ter Timber I Unimproved I Improved TOTAL Oyster I Timbor Unimproved I Improved I hnprovemenh I B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE ..;/1 ^"J 5:;J.t! C"J.... $,;;((!j !l2 .39..."fO J39:J 0 'J!- j",,~ 'II? t,~ '7 ~ httJ , I 70 71'/- 7%ft,u 21/ /s-) :::; /5000 '. , " ' - ...:' -;so 375'0 ' - , ' , PI I,,g 1 /3/ 7tJo 0 7C)cJe fj 1/~7IJnO ~Oc(,O I I I ! lOT BlK. , I~'- ....-- IIJI7~4g,9,~vjVl2('f 1 I , SEC. TWN, RGE. ;-; . 4~ 4 ct 1 of S~ v-- ___'_'''' '-, . . ".....h. -'.- .'.---- .' -' '_0- ,- " - - ._, - ..".-.,.,.' -- ''1 . Beginning at the quarter section corner of Sections 9 and 16 lying on the section line bearing North 870 14' West indicated on Bureau of Land Management plat Dependent Resurvey of township 23 North, Range 4 West of the Willamette Meridian Washington dated March 14, 1968, and identified on the ground by an iron post 21' ins. diameter with a brass cap; thence North 00 24' East along the N-S center- line of said Section 9 for a distance of 670.70 feet to the mid-point of the West line of the Southwest quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 9; thence South 870 13' 55 t" East, along the E-W centerline of the Southwest quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 9, 339.23 feet to the True Point of Beginning; thence continuing South 870 13' 55 1''' East, 339.24 feet to a point, thence North 00 27' 15" East, 670.68 feet to a point on the south line of property owned by the U.S.A.; thence, North 870 13' 51" West along the property line comnon to U.S.A. and Cusbnan Timber Estates, 339.65 feet to a point, thence South 00 25' 37t" West, 670.69 feet to the True Point of Beginning. Tract A of SP #1183 That ptn of the SWl.i SEl.i of 9-23-4 W.W.M., Mason County, Wa. DAF: Beg at the l.i see. =rner of Sees. 9 and 16, lying on the Sec. line bearing N 87014' W indicated in Bureau of Land M3nagernent plat Dependent Resurvey of 'IWnsp 23 N, Rg 4 IV, Wa., dated March 14, 1986, and identified on the gound by an iron post 2., in. dia with a brass cap; N 00024' E alg the N-S centerline of said Sec. 9, for a distance of 670.70 ft. to the mid-point of the W line of the SWl.i SEl.i of sec. 9; S 87013'55" .," E, alg the E-W center-line of the SWl4 SEl.; of Sec. 9, 339.23 ft to the TPOB; =ntinuing S 87013' 55" .," E, 339.24 ft to a point; N 00027'15" E 670.68' to a pt on the S line of Froperty owned by the USA; N 87"13'51" W lag the property line ccmn:m to hte USA and Cushman Timber Estates, 339.56' to apt; S 00025'37"" W, 670.69' to TPOB. c,~~~_: _the ~l! 0503.01 ~t. as measured alg the E line thereof. ~-I '\' ~), , 7 .~-----c_ ..~- ".---- ~ .-, ....- - -" l..' ..{ I " -" 1"1 ' ',,- '::. <