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Y.., File N~. NAME 0' OWNER 4.;/7d/ I?' '" CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS .." ~. -. Rd, 5ch. I Port PUD fPD 1----1 SALE P~ICE 74 Investment Svndicates 4/7 4 ~J~~Jl'" . , 5hQ );;'0015' W<mMG ~ $;q"j ,,_ , c ,p7 yq~ (ushman Assoc. 2 404 H 3 rV E.R.Patterson t 21 I, "!?( f ~;./ f.I ~ I L H /.- If -P' IP8 '''d-.;). '" #"19062 tI.:;6'.3t>;:!. f.1I j) \ , , \ 3T{TYJ .' NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS -e. (" ! i) Y..r Oy,ter Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyder Timber UnImproved Improved Improvements (8ulldln~l) .. of E. VALUE 11/ 7t.. 'XL '9'" 5;'~ j ?::J.I $(;5"' .d/ t.s-' "7~,7 ---.' -, r)." ~, .2./ ..s. .2. / /500::; IS::'7n /",-00,") ,.,-., '7D LOT SEC. BlK. TWN, 06"- I 1'1'/;,.;O i '--,r-J( lL ) "':" ' '/"1~~aZ-()~' Or7 ,) ~t~t 5 o~i!<~E, .~ ~, - ',"" ,-'" "'I 4 That portion of the S! SW SE described as follows: Beginning at the S ~ corner between sections 9 & 16; thence N 0024' E 670.72'; thence S 87013'55!" E 339.24'; thence S OD25'37~" W 670.70'; thence N 87014' W 338.91'to LP. . ~--~-~~;...-.", ---- - - - >- , -." "~ -~. I /'- t:"~ (1 '-- ~ 7 I' (! t .cf " ."'\ \... ;(;" ,/ 4,/ ~> f " j ',/ (.':f ~ ,; ~ 1/ , (~~~) -u II-' 1/518Zfj /f3/f$~ 4.<5/ ,,>8/ .or#&KT, /1FOT, br/?re r/-lx. "e;-~.$c.