HomeMy WebLinkAbout423093490090 .. ..... -;:;-~-T NAME of OWNER I CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS J ~ J'( S""LE PRICE --, ... SCh,I!l;Jrt PUD FPD!_' ~/73 !nveet.ent SYndicates Cushman Assoc. 2 40. E 3 L H ---- '17/73 281454 A. M. Parker #36374 1/7!?_ 310],72 I Hffom N. Snv er Jr. et ux $t86~ , 5i7R f3'lM 15 ~ ~ 1/ " 11 ,;J. ",,4 f{ ~ Ii L f-{ 1/ 2.~6.J.fL~ _CJ-#c>t{!fJ II! _<:!Nv/)~R tip err u, (vt^'1! .,) n I r-Id'-' II .3 1% L If F'z _.11 - f-- ,oDe) -- I .~UM-:E~- ~F :CRES ---- ,,' ..., -..-- .." VALUATIONS Year O,der TImber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Improvements 8. of E. - (Bvildin9S) VALUE ..12 2.04 2.04 I~ /(,$,() 1t. /.54 ,:;0 t.,ol-- 81/0 4/60 1.2. 7tJ to 31/0 /110"10 Jtf'i?OO go StJf~J-E ""'"1-;4(.. ..?/ /LJ CJ:;P_':; 12485 -2/ -$ %, 1 1...".-</ -St'J ., ,.,,/ 7$5c 'l3.2S 1?J1 7J;- I,s -- /,~.snO :?9nO ..;)01 9"00 -- - -- - I LOT ILK. I , ~ 3-f ~ ".O.9'~! I \ SEC. TWN. RG" .,d ,.9 ., ~"-'- --' '- .. '0. ". ,- ,,,:"" "",."'''~?'~:",";{:r{-f.'''. c"......,~.....-..,..~.,_.;~"~:t.?F',~~;"::: '>CT' (Tract 3 ot Sllort Plat 1187 (_n.ei)API 3(6281) 1- That ptn of the SE SW 9-23-4W.W.M., daf: Beginning at the SW corner of ad SE SW; th S 870 14' E alg the S line of ad Section 95.67'; th N 460 32' E 203.98' to the TPOB; continuing th N 460 32' E 180'; th N }40 35' W 492.36'; th S 640 18' W 101.75' + - to the W line of ad SE SW; th S 000 17' 09" W 135.24' alg ad W line of SE SW; th S 340 35' E 424.91' _ - to TPOB; EXCEPT public roads, if any. ~~ JP~/b ~.~- '-_'r- "'--=~--~_~