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Year File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ,.:::/ () SALE PRICEi ~. Ell 5:1 ....5lL 373.$$13 H. N. Woolfield ~11 ~ 4/, M-A ) 7.1 )~ 'Y;~Jj. P'-- ;r-;''1'7h/'/ in. ---Tr \. f. /7 :- -!l-- = = /733.<.., 7!L ~_. jHimci .J 51/ Lffl_.Li...l:o./L ~I)!) 3/J'6 37' i;~ ~CL). -1_ /J 01 +/J 1 C;>c,t:J fl-----r-\-- 3/85 1/33'..283 %~.i.(~)lbuffdl..;/--d Ii I, : ~. -t I' <:;.~ %" 'P"'d A ~I '" ;:---r--I-- if- 75_s8>3 '15"5''1/3 , /~\) - I t'!~ 1-\ .c:> 1D -, 1 :- -1- -- , j; I I 1 -I--'--'~- --I --'-1--1- 1----1 I '----1= I~I----:- --I I . . . "'"'"-- -. . -=~Q=.-~= = = --'--= =....-,- - -= - - ==.....=....~.... ..;.._..._==-.......-- '---...... ......-- - -... ~---- ..=.- -... "'- --_.- -"'- - --..,=~.,;- - ~ ~ .........;. --;..-;;- :.~......- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS '.;'0 Year OY$ter TImber Unlm~roved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved I Improved Improvement. B. of E. (Bulldlnos) VALUE ,2L 7,M" 7,1r'" /()--() /00 ~ "' 7.= ~ /~g /~ 14- ~-OR> ..... ,:1. 9:r - 2f2 ~ % 59tJ .:rJ tJ 7L I 1/.="# 'ffl-tk '7''11'& Jit 1/9;fJ;f& 1/ - . '11./ /'." ... I;? %C ..;.--- 1L i . 11/~tl i( f, il! /lei< t 19fyo 19.?N ~:'l_f vAl . ~ "",' 1 _-I, , ' 76' 1775- 10,,1 .ill .:1S- .5's- y! l)'fJ, I '" 05"/0 f:,oS",Ro --"'--- 3/ 1,?.!..- 7,8!- iZJ "'< .=' ,:---- -..-.- ~-, /'2 'Jn~ i, ! tf,o';;-YC> ';05KO - (1-- ...- 7. f5"" 7.:? !. r- 10 /0 r'f /n-"-' 1~1 ~().5,:: u btJ~,j?O gf/ 1 "/ '-J i /0 , LOT BLK. ',- SEC. TWN. lJf~!D2.~ 6' J/- 4- q.G\".?:..LJQJJ CUP;;;:;_;:T USE AGE. _ OPEN SPACE ~RICULTURE ~ .,~ .. ..- "-, ,~-",.,'". "....-, - . .,. . -- - La>.. --;I' , tic </5-5'/13 ,174- tl<-< ,.my--c,d.A....s !? e-'-1! t ~~~~ L-/,5.../:..;) '#J/I;"'~ 7;- . (.~~C /,. ~ :.'::....<..;. J' ,'1- ~ ) "",,-"_' ,/,'i . ud Ut'>l)'~ ..J..t:rI.? ~ 'It ,'- ./ -il3 ?',',r</i), / -, Q C_u ~-...i// J .../(~" 1;~,i,. )r-Ja~1<'j (-4u:,~,/leuo(,) -j-'// '.-j If. - I I I I I I I I I I r . . NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyster Timber Unimproved I m proved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Improtements B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE 'k 1.fs 7.ts ~ L7 3.....0D ~~)."O ~5 ~ sa r /,,1 /0 c USE - , ....