HomeMy WebLinkAbout422353200080 Y..r FII. No. NAME of OWNER OISTRICTS -i/C:; Rd. Soh. ~j~ FPD 1_ rold Young 2 2 _L__k- 1.2 W,:?" / _~ __2_ g'1 -'- Y-fa <J -1-1-2:- -L Ii... CONTRACT TO SALE PRICE' -j ';~<?n~ ~ , ?'/ot:? ~ ' ""',,:U:;?!t8 ~(),pIJ. ' --21L14S721 D. H. Pierce et ux H i;;' ?~::?, Jff::.:.;; cl" ~::"--:f ~. vi~ iJ --~I---' --I-- I , , , . . ------" .___~--_~_-----~---------------------------~--R-------------~-~--~~_~~~~~=~~~~:~--- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS : Yur o,d.r T1mb.r Unimproved Improved ::ff..t ..55' r ''& -5"fJ 2J- rei " 2t2. 1'L il!I- 1. R f{ d~5- ,...LIS .);3 ,~ .</3 .1-{3 lOT BEC. BLK. TWN. RGE. " . l, TOTAL Tlmb,r UnImproved Improved ImproYlmenb B.of E. I (BuildIng.) VALUE " .J<P /0 - /0 ';90 500 -rr ~CJ :1"50) 411 i..-. :..; , I&'o 4I9d 0~0 /(,,0 /;}7t::" /1.L35' j dtJr:J /5~/) /'/962 4,jtJi 3)9~ ~ 1"'~5a .33"/71 %~tJ dlZ)'"fP ~"<PtP 9/&'o 35"','c /~Slc, j/' , ~:.,..I,., .5.~ 00 .;; ((! 2lJ ;?t SPo . ~72-~ .:<'1'it:>d 31(".(1- Old" , .f' 3- ,J}3 ,#.3 . </3 .,/3 ,b ""'(fJ ~% , t1ftJ"l </"< Ind. r IA/1_"'...:7 ~:tIJ-:2.-5." ...'~W-101 '~,._ _~~:- . ...;JJ '.. -.. " -'. ,- .--~ -~-- -~,."",,,,,., ~.I <-''- Bgn at a poUlt on W line o~ Olympic Hy'; as now established. 1330'.57 ft. Nand 802 ft. more or less. E of S corner common Secs 34 and 35. Twp 22 N of Range 4,', Thn Nly along W e1;,de of said Olympic Hy. 220 ft. to IP of this description. from 'said IP run Thn Nly along W side of said Olympic Hy. 125 ft, Thn Wly at right angles with said Olympic Hy 150 f~j Thn Sly parallel with said Olympic Hy. 125 ftj Thn Ely 150 ft. to pt of bgn. contain .43 acres. more or less and being portion of Indian Lot 13. lying W of W line of Olympic Hy. 'PS4S'!UJnt uo!teWJCfU! J"J ."~n?d Jed Pled tunowe p"ana tOU saop J.t!1!G(!;! .,~e UO!tl!'u!wexQ 8~aldwa) uo p3scq tau etea .~Ulod lVl~lUl P1VS O~ R I~O ol S pUV ~ .9~ oZS S 'R I~O ol S aouaq~ ~AVAq~lq }O AXgp~q Al~a~SaA P1VS o~ seal ~o a~om ~aa} Sll ~ 19~ oZS S PUg '~aa1 SOZ ~ .~O ol N '~aa} 8~ R 19~oZS N '~aa} ~Zl R I~O ol S '~aa} O~l R .9~ oZS N aouaq~ !U01~dl~osap slq~ }O ~Ulod lBl~lul aq~ o~ ~aa} ~~( ABAq~lq 10 A~Bpunoq Al~a~saA Ples 2uOlB ~ .~O ol N aouaq~ 2ulU~ !~( uOl~oas P1BS }O ~a~oo ~saAq~nos aq~ mo~} ssal xe a~om ~aa} ZOS ~SBa pue ~aa} l~'O((l q~~ou '6 'ON AVAq21H a~v~s A~BW1~d }O A~Bpunoq Al~a~saA aq~ uo ~Ulod v ~V 2uluu12ag :SAOllO} sv paql~osap "W.R '~saR ~ a2uB~ 'q~xoN ZZ dlqsUAol '~( uOl~oas 10 ~a~~Bnb ~saAq~nos aq~ }O ~a~~vnb ~saAq~~ou aq~ }O ~~Bd ~Bql 6~6l 'LZ A~Bn.1qa~ llVO OlO~ 'ON ~3a~o '.l.I;.'1 "'..~"...o~ F [ u 'PlO~UV~~S SMOH:JB3 3:JNVHnSNI3'J..IJ.. wnONVHOW:ll"l ZSDC-9 .'o'H 3NCHd:::n3.l NO.lON1HS'o'M 'NO.l,:3HS .l:33l:l.lG H.ll:lnO"" H.lnOG 6lL . ElNIC,lne ,'3e AIjIY~~IjI:::JJI. '.lNY^3.ltln.LS .^ )I~01:l8 ~NJlOll!lJlljld 'WHoa '0 A3,cno r~ Jul \ XNVdWO::l :!I'I.LI.L NO.L'I:nIS