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DONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ;::- / C; Yur FII. NI). NAME of OWNER Rd. Soh. Port I~ FPD ~_ 54 ;;(~'/ Heirs of Sallie Burns , ,) ,2 ..2.-_L 1- -FF '/ '.'" 't:Y, ' , ~1-01,1 , ,.-- 7 '/ ~'I):l -'). vl_ /. 1 1 )./,J C P . - I / L // ~,"",I (J(Jj /"~J/I/l[/./<'()).L611/ ';::,/j"2_,/:J'r-:,-,/)'~JJld./l\A/---<"/ _ /,s- -1/),';0, '~) fP 'E. '"J._ flF".j) / "dT/) 9 7j1~ 3~'f::J-1:7- ,Of'''-'- ~M'.r. _ U / lV'~ 5'/ (~ilJ/ ..L.!lLiL SALE PRICE 4- .,.~ Ol~;>/ ---- ", --1-- --1.-____ -~-~."~-~-------- , --- NUMBER OF ACRES -------1 ____________w__~~""~"~_;-.----' VALUATIONS Y.ar Oyatlr Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Tlmb.r Unimproved Improved Improvemenh (Buildings) B.ofE. VALUE 2L ~"l .5k ~ n n.. 2Q 2L .Z1. 22- 1#- BL J.i t~ M-' "~<~.;.. (I 19 /q/li6 f"! 1 ~I -'7/c.:'<:7b ij o,-c; c2 ff.M ~ (!), DC ",~t' t/tJ,.d1dJ ::< DC:- ,q"v :<00 3c:JcJ d{,?d 3~7J /!('5f) J.JIMJ ~{L'tJ ({i Lj.tPtJ,rJ 3'7~ 3t/SO b tJ tJe :# ,!tJ ~.OC 01 J'a ~, ~.M ;$5tJ -'- /..2 (J {l /':;N:J ~ f0CJ tftJ(}C) $c>t!J" g('}t!JtJ} t., t9 t? 6J ~% Kr: -7~ ~ 4~ / )!(Jc),) 1 'Ii n a,., ;:?p~oo LOT BLK. SEC. TWN. l ;( .(l~ J.....'u... , JjiJ tft-O RGE. l '1 ,J..,I Illu/ot' ~COD6 (!"il 39,;(0 'It? 00 l?uJd 5'ooocJ .., - . GURp.ErJT us:: ~;~ OPEN SPACE ~I~ ,.AGRICU~TUR" .B.W.JiW__..~~;:::i""::::"~,~,',,:'-""""':"',""': '. T., . '... $)<><0 ,.s-CCJO.:J I \ I I I I I I I I - -. . - Ym 1-0;;." NUMBER OF ACRES I I VALUATIONS / (), J'() -' Timber I Unimproved Improved TOTAl. 1- Oyster Timber Unimproved \ Imprtlved Improvements B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE: 2L ---- </0. 00 t.JOOG t V .3 9;;1.0 3 'l.;l.O ---- J.."!-:. f----;-' '7n<LL ~j So oc;~ 5"0000 97- e-~~ _:JP. Go $""(">C c,?( 7' 37'3 S- 3J.3S- - 33 1- ./ I', .. - .~" '. ./ 5cJ{)00 ' .. c', )12, , . ill 7S~ $1/7 S - tL " !tf' So /}1., tl.A.J :::;-tJOdO QOCl ----- - N_ <:/tl,O Co 50 cJC - f!1/ </::1./ CJ y~/ () 12 --- -- --- '7tlM. ~j 50000 .5"0000 --.- -- -- -- I ~ ft'Ao_,,-- r~oC__ -- (!." 7 ( SI/3r 'I13S- --------- -._--- - 1__- ---. - -- -~--~ -------- --- ----- -- - 1----- --- --- - _==1 - f-- -- ------ 1-- - -- -- -.--- --- ---, - _ ----- , --- i i