HomeMy WebLinkAbout422270061010 Ylar Fill No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 3,::;';- SALE PRICE' Rd. Sch. portlpUO"FPD _ 54 ':ity 01' .i.'aGOldd 4-5/10 ;:: ,;1<' j . ..WJ FA L .l.. -- ~ ~ IL ~ _L " ,. f'f .L ':I:d!i .Ji ~ _,L JL -i- i--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - -1- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - I I --- ,.".'. ~ _____-_~=...___=... ...__-....=_____..,..'*----==~=_____~__.__~oe_===="""_=____=~_=.._ ..__......~ "'="-=-- ~ NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Oyatlr Timber Unlmprovld Imp"roved TOTAL Oyatlr Timber UnImproved Improved Improvemenll 8.of E. (Bulldlnga) VALUE , ,. , LOT BlK. 'T > SEC. TWN. RGE. . . r:'i";';'d'.;l t; 0' () 1. /;)-/~..tl ~ .' . . ~ '.'-- ... ' . 0" ,,1' '". -"'. ."-. , ....-. -..,. '-' .... A ~ract of land oomprising a portion of the Nt of the NW! and of the NEt of Sec 27-22-4. bounded and described as follows: Bgn on W line of said Sec 27 at a point 637 ft. distant S of the NW corner thereof; running Thn S 8708' E 1993 ft. more or less to W line of the Et of the NE! of NW!; Thn N 746 ft to N line of said Seo 27; Thn E alo~ the 1980 ft. by Govt measure to NE oorner of NW! of the NElt; Thn S along E line of said NW! of NE! 670 ft; Thn S 53030' E 1135 ft. more or less to the N line of the st of NE~ of said section; Thn E along same 415 ft. to 1/16 corner on E line of NE! of said section; Thn S on section line 800 ft; Thn N 53030' W 1370 ft. more or less to N line of st of NE!; Thn W along same 230 ft. more or less to SE corner of NW! of N~t Th~ continuing W 1980 ft by Govt measure to the SW corner of Et of NElt of nll'~; Thn N 174 ft. more or less to a point 400.6 ft. distant from the line of first oourse of this desoription. measured at right angles thereto; Thn N 8708' W parallel to first line of this description. 19~3 ft. more or less to W line of See 27 aforesaid; Thn N along the 400.6 ft to pl of bgn. Containing 95.2 aores. ._0, -a-., ._"'-~