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V.ar FIl. No. NAME of OWNER v..r.!. ..2!L 222" F. G. .t t/ f1' ci -;;7/ o=?-' 1-7 Chapman .-::;;P- /7 ,7l.J, tI DISTRICTS ..3 ;'5 Rd. Sch. ~I~ FPD -1-1- 22 IlL_~ iLW!.=.L.L L F( -L tkt _,..L..L 11L CONTRACT TO 'LT^ "'^ ./ k"',,~ SALE PRICEl . I_e----- I ----e-- ---- -_1-1--- ---1--- -- ---I--~ ____.~~~~~~~-~~~~:~~~~~--~~~~-~~------~--~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:~~~~'~~~'~~::.~~l~~____ NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS :t -~7 ). J'j:!t', .2!i I. '7cJ JI,(~. .Id2. J, '7 t7 .,( Irv, f2L f. 7f ,f,J. t..2.. :& k'L 2tl 2L 2'#-- }C 3~;J/' ~ ;' ~ ~ ,:;-'77:: 5') I. 71ft ;-(7f /f ;2.f' 1/,!J75d("f.;2C;o /8"000" 1</')' /79";'.:.. at/u;'NI tJ ", 3 C'l 3' S'7 /1'1 (, 1s 7g'5C;cJ .1'1317<;" LOT BLK. (J 1 , '-. I, ~ V..r , Improv.d ~ I~;?t-=-_ ,I -9;d~ ;'00 -fc2:? 1j.J~ 1/.;2,-Y ~/;ZR f.2 ff 1:.<.1' ,sI::z1 Oyd.r Timber Unlmprond +::<</ ,J.:<'J '> ni' ... '1 ("-( ~. Oyster Timber UnImproved ;J..::,-o ~() I/o 3c:Oo 3tJrJ - Q:.% ~6~ ilM;f Improv.d Improvemenh B. of E. (BlllJdlr.gs) VALUE /770 2./30 So /7%<3 ~,?() -S'd !:7,.fd ;/./711 /~ flo /76'0 drJ.70 /6;5'0 178"0 341:50 ;;:(~ a ~ It/-~ t.L3(L< ~1?J1 ~j'~5"r 4~.1l;" ~'757:J .;},f7'pg ~38 ::UI/JtJ; ;;2,?,;fh d3.:?o U'~p 12 /~~~ /0"/1) ~#,& 1//,7&>.2-0 I~/~ "ilA ~~t1L~/J, ,/ ...,." , Tax 861 I App 3139 All tl of the 2nd e in front of tr IB of Lot 3, Sec. 26-22-4, with front of 5.36 Ie mil measured along the mI. Ex. ,. ,I"':li./,. * Ex. N 1/3 N~ of S 2/3 * Ex. ft. Assessed with N. 2/3 Tr. IB .~;.~~-:-